THC Half-Life

Discussion in 'High Ideas' started by MrToke, Oct 6, 2012.

  1. I was just thinking on the way back from smoking, if half-life of THC is halfing the amount of molecule or molar mass, then in theory the amount of THC in your body can never be removed. Now think about you start with 100% you can half it making 50% the 25% and so on, although there is no number that 2 can divide by that would make it equal zero. Given the fact that you will reach a number with maybe 0.0000000000x , the number may be close as hell to zero (ex. 0.0000000000001) although there is still that microscopic bit of THC floating around in the fat cells. This seems to mean that you will always have THC in your body forever after smoking, even though it is microscopic amounts. Then just think if you mathematically apply the half-life to see how long it would take from entrance to untraceable amounts when taking a drug test. I know this sounds crazy as shit, but I am high as hell
  2. I wasn't aware THC had a half-life, i'm pretty sure that's only radioactive materials.
  3. Yeah I researched a little, your right, although its just a high idea, does have a strong base though. haha but if it did though, say for any other elements would it ever really disappear, or just a number so small that its untraceable, although still there.

  4. I'm pretty sure drugs do have a half life, but it's not what you're thinking of, radioactive decay half life.

  5. True True, although do those half-lifes work the same way or is it a whole other concept?
  6. I'm not honestly sure, it's not like an exponential thing if I can remember correctly, I think it's based on metabolism and stuff.
  7. Yup yup it crazy, just something too think about.
  8. Thats why if you lose alot of weight in fat you can fail a drug test even if you've been clean for 6 months. That .000000001 thats still in your fat cells is expelled from the body when you lose that fat so if you lose alot of weight at one time the thc in your piss adds up to where you can get a faint line. My college professor last year told me about this.
  9. Thats a good point, And you mean professor talking about THC molecule? Haha cool as hell.
  10. well, first off, every atom in your body is replaced roughly every 5 years, that includes molecules of THC. (also using this fact we realize every 5 years we are essentially replaced) so metabolism and other things also play into removing THC.

  11. I see, so that means we have "in a sense" an entire new body, from an atomic perspective?
  12. Actually from a true mathematical level you'd realise that as a sequence converges to 0, in this case the sequence being An=1/(2^n), where A is the number of molecules and n is time, that the value of A would become so infinitesimally small that it no longer exists (in the sense that 0.9recurring =1), hence the convergence to 0. This would apply to the THC in the fact that there are only x amounts of molecules that can be stored, and eventually if they keep halfing they'll reach then eventually there'll be 1 molecule left, and when it came time to half that you wouldn't get half a molecule, you'd get 0 molecules (low A value being infinitesimally small).

    I think this is how it works, I'm pretty stoned so I might not have explained myself that well. :smoke:

  13. Seems legit lol, but I see that it will eventually be just one molecule, but on its way to one molecule, say you smoke once you absorb 1000 molecules of THC, while thats going on its normal path as a half-life, dividing by 2 each time, at the same time you smoke again adding another 1000 molecules of THC, So thinking about it you will you just keep on adding and dividing, that is, if you keep smoking.
  14. all drugs and chemicals have a half life. The half life is how long it takes for 1/2 of the amount of drug in your body to metabolise.

    For instance, the half life of -------- is 3.5 hours. That means the drug will be out of your system(except for it's metabolites maybe) in 7 hours.

    I believe thc has a rather short half life, but is stored in the body for a long time. Some of it's components could stay about 20 hours while others could stay for days or weeks.
  15. Yeah I was thinking all elements in the end have some form of half-life. Although I wouldn't think that it would be gone I just 7 hours if a half-life is 3.5, say you start with 100 atoms, the go through a half-life then end up at 50, then onto 25, the onto 12.5, and so on. But if that is apparent, how does that work because its sort of hard to have a half of an atom.
  16. This reminds of the situation in which there is a distance x between you and I, whether it's one meter or if you're in Amsterdam and I'm in San Fran. Either way, we can split that distance in half, and repeat that 'splitting of distance in half' with zero end, or to infinity. Since time and distance are both relative dimensions, the same applies to your post. Great thread MrToke.

  17. I appreciate the feedback, the distance application is another good way to look at it, because there is no number that you can half to equal 0, its like having a 0 in the denominator of a fraction, it just makes it undefined and non solvable.

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