All I Want for my Birthday is a brand new bong!

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by frrranklinn, Oct 4, 2012.

  1. Just as title says, I am looking for a new glass bong to treat myself for my birthday. My birthday is on November 8th, and I've been using a basic Zong bong. It has done me justice for awhile, but now I want a nice bong with perks. I am new to all these different pieces but I was looking into the EHLE. brand and liked how they look. I am looking for nothing too big, something portable that I can move around from my room to outside or living room. This is the list I came up with to buy...

    EHLE. Glass - 5mm Thick - Straight Cylinder Bong 450ml - Ice Notches - White logo $242.31

    EHLE. Glass - Bottle-shaped Precooler - White $76.92

    EHLE. Glass - Diffuser Downstem 18.8 mm x2 $36.87 (One for the Precooler)

    EHLE. Glass - 3-Point Glass Screen 18.8mm $7.50

    EHLE. Glass - Large Funnel Bowl $25

    With the money I am spending on this, what are my other options? Any kind of suggestions on what I can add or a whole complete setup would be nice. I am aiming for excellent hits and super smooth hits.
  2. HOLY SHIT: Be ready to have a knowledge bomb dropped on you by these masters on this site. Sit back and hold on. Mind totaling that for me? haha too stoned

  3. Lol, haha I'm ready to learn. The total would be $425.47.
  4. Yeah, you could get a way nice setup with that. My friend had a Mad Scientist v4 and that thing ripppsss. Most people on here don't like them though.
  5. #5 NEWYORK420, Oct 4, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2012
    I really dont agree with anyone spending that kind of money on a bong or vap or any smoking device. I rather 2 dollar rolling papers and alot of weed. But maybe a carbon filter.

  6. Yea don't worry I got that, I just wanted to treat myself...
  7. Apix design for 250 max add a carbon filter. Sit back and smoke a perfect clean bong. Either that or a möbius or a sov. Guaranteed to hit smoother and last longer.

  8. Where could I find these pieces? Sorry I am new to buying these items online also not too good with the brands of these glass pieces.
  9. check out fb apixdesign glass
  10. In my opinion for the price I think you can get something way nicer.

  11. Any suggestions? I'm just trying to research as much as I can before I make a purchase
  12. all i want for my birthday is a big booty hoe
  13. [quote name='"Richieb7451"']I really dont agree with anyone spending that kind of money on a bong or vap or any smoking device. I rather 2 dollar rolling papers and alot of weed. But maybe a carbon filter.[/quote]

    Lol you must know so much about vaporizers and high end glass!

    You can look at some really nice glass on aqua lab tech or nvs glassworks. Zob, Möbius, Dave Goldstein, Sovereignty, and Syn are just some brands that come to mind that you can get something in your price range.
  14. go to aqua lab tech .com
  15. Aqua.
    (website, just put it together and spell out technologies) Have to post this way otherwise it is censored.

    SYN would be a great company. Look on that website at some SYN and see how you like them. Or a David Goldstein Fritted Disc is a pretty solid pipe.

    Honestly anything you see on that website, post the brand name and model name and the Blades here can help on what you like. I can help too although I am a tad bit newer to high end glass. Still knowledgeable just not as experienced with a wide range of devices.
  16. #16 saltlife50, Oct 4, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2012
    Apix! You could still have like 100 left over for bud and a killer bong
  17. #17 gonzo 480, Oct 5, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 5, 2012
    For that type of money I would definitely look into some better brands. Ehle is good and all, but for an excess of $400 you can get a lot better.

    First, I would go to aqua lab like everyone has said before and just look around. Some brands that would be great are Mobius, Sovereignty, Stone Glassworks, Syn, or on the lower end Zob.

    If I were you I would look for a single chamber, stemless bong.with a great perculator then add a disk screen bowl and/or a carbon filter. While it does add.versatility, having a simple bong with an ashcatcher can be cumbersome and.has more chances of breaking. A single chamber much better. Oh and the best disk screen bowls are Ben or luke Wilson's. Hands down no arguments.

    For the bong you could get any of these:
    Mobius stereo matrix or matrix disc perc
    Sovereignty stemline (all of them are amazing just need to find the one in stock that fits your needs)
    Stone glassworks waffle perc
    Syn showercaps

    Any of these will do you just fine, are in your budget, and are all extremely high quality glass. Look on YouTube for some bubble vids if you want, too!

    Hope this helps man
  18. Oh and apixdesigns is a great company and Dan, the artist, is a solid dude. You couldn't go wrong with a custom from him either
  19. For $400 I would definitely say go for a sovereignty king stem. You can find them on Technologies of Aqua Labs for $350. I own one and I have also owned a couple of EHLE.'s in my lifetime and I can say that you'll be way happier with the King Stem. If youre willing to go up to the $500 price range you could get a Sovereignty Stem-8 or a 2012BC gridded stem-tophat. Do some research online and youll discover a lot better pieces within your budget
  20. For that price you could get yourself a nice scientific bubbler with crazy diffusion.

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