do eye drops kill your high

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by RaiderJohnny420, Sep 21, 2012.

  1. Do eye drops kill your high
  2. No, actually when I first started smoking they would make me less paranoid of my eyes and allowed me to chill that much more lol. Jmo tho it might for some people.
  3. I've done personal experiments with this, because it happened to me a long time ago and I didn't understand it.

    Here's the thing, it's a mind trick.

    If you have anxiety, they train you to breathe 1 1/2 times per minute, this isn't to calm you down, it's to trick your brain into focusing on your breathing pattern and it panics that's something is wrong, and forgets about the anxiety attack (Well, it's suppose too)

    So, I think this reacts the same way, I NEVER used Eyedrops before, I always hated them, and when I used them the first time I was high, it completely killed my buzz, I think my brain panicked and had no clue what was going in my eyes etc. and it completely lost focus of the high and focused on what the fuck was going in my eyes.

    My 2 cents.
  4. No, they don't. :D
  5. nah rohtos trip me out
  6. no I don't use em though
  7. I feel you Rohtos arctic was an experience
  8. Its just like someone else said, if you think they kill your high its just your mind fucking with you. And that has its uses
  9. Not for me
  10. I hate eye drops, you don't need them. You just need not to be a newbie and control your high and no one will know. Just because your eyes are red, doesn't mean anything unless you get serious red eye from weed.
  11. Only slightly, Only slightly.
  12. Rhotos Cool drops feel amazing when you're high, no killer.
  13. nash, they dont ruin the high, just more capable of going places with out being noticed
  14. Nope! I mean they do sting sometimes but no harm done to the high :)
  15. Put them on before problem solved 😉
  16. no but they kill your eyes
  17. I hate the feel afterwards but not having to worry about it allows me to relax more
  18. No. Why would they? All eye drops do is constrict blood vessels in your eyes so they look less red. I never use them now that I live out of the dorms. The RA's would pull me to the side and question my squinty red eyes and I would tell them I was tired and studied a lot. But they always thought I was stoned. Thankfully I don't have to deal with that stuff much anymore.
  19. This doesn't make any sense. all the words thrown in together like trash

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