The Lonely Thread

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by SassyMelassy, Sep 17, 2012.

  1. #48481 LouDaMann420, May 22, 2015
    Last edited: May 22, 2015
    Your not alone bro you just love her but sometimes its their fault i mean their certain stuff you gotta give up when you enter a relationship and the thing is you shouldnt have to tell them they should already know.. Some people dont understand how mich it hurts the other person and it ends up messing everything up .... im jealous and overprotective too so your not alone
  2. #48482 DeadLeaf, May 22, 2015
    Last edited: May 22, 2015
    Im back with a 2nd part to my little drama story lol
    Lastnight I went to the bar for a beer and a game of pool. Just as I was setting up my game, this girl I know comes over and gives me a big hug and a kiss..surprising but welcomed. It was a nice little reunion cause we hadn't been talking in a couple weeks. She grabbed my hand and dragged me outside cause she wanted to explain why she wasn't talking to me. She claimed that she wasn't talking to me because she thinks I'm falling "Head over heals" for my blonde (ex) fwb..that I mentioned in the above post. She said she cares about me and doesn't want to see me hurt. She started bringing up my close friendship with our mutual friend Tasha, who wasnt even there.. for what? Idk!
    I tried to explain that it was old news, and that me and the other girl are becoming better friends without any emotional bs mixed in. It's actually one of my better friendships right now. But my friend was drunk and she couldn't just listen to the truth. She started yelling and telling me I was lying.. lol what fucking business is it of anyone's anyways!? It was all drama I really didn't need. She kept grabbing my jacket and putting her hand behind my neck trying to drag me around away from people who were listening. All I could say was.. "take your fucking hands off me!" Lol I was gonna raise don't ever touch me like one does.
    I ended up losing my place on the pool table and it made me so fucking mad I eventually took off without saying anything else to that girl.
    It's gonna be some weird energy next time we meet!

    So I guess my point is that, just like the above post.. I have these interpersonal relationships now that I'm not all that familiar with. Friends that care, cause drama and drag me into it. Seems I've been trying to avoid others, just being a loner. Truth is... none of this drama is gonna get me laid! So why even care, myself.
    Idk.. I'm kinda sick of people telling me who I should and shouldn't spend my time with. I'd really like all of these chicks to just be confident enough to give me their time and leave everyone else out.

    Don't make me have to be the bad guy here
  3. DeadLeaf- Dont take people who care for you for granted. You will regret it. They become harder and harder to come across as time goes on. Try to appreciate their outside perspective... I know when I get involved in relationships I tend to let everything else fall away... I get tunnel vision. In retrospect, a lot of mistakes I made were 100% anticipated by close friends and relatives. But at the time I didn't want to hear what they had to say... I thought I had some insider information that I was acting on. Which was an illusion. Just my experience...
  4. Lonely....oh so lonely
  5. I see what you are saying.
    My friend ended up apologizing for being so drunk and trying to tell me how to live my life and such. Seems all my friends had a load of drama that night. I left early, and supposedly it was a good thing I left when I did.
    I've only taken one person in my life for granted. That person is gone and I learned that lesson already. The people I surround myself with now have only been there since this past year, and as we get closer, I'm realizing how they might not be there in the future either. When interactions become stale and we can no longer laugh together and joke, that's when I have to start drawing the line. As long as I'm confident that I'm not starting the drama, i wouldn't consider it my fault that things just don't work out sometimes. It's me that's being taken advantage of in the first place. I'm not worried about people not being there for me cuz very few people have ever been there for me. I'll meet more people who will think they care about me and I'll have to move on again. It's really no big deal...I've been doing it my whole life. I don't really care how it makes me look either. I know I'm a good friend. Like I said, it's not my fault it doesn't work out. I just don't fight it when it doesnt.
  6. No you aren't a terrible person.
    Just try to forget about that girl and what she did. That sounds like a situation I'd try and stay far away from, and I'd try even harder to put in the past. Like seriously..I'd erase all that from my memory and start over
  7. I've been so depressed lately. Haven't even wanted to be around people at all...but i'm sick of being stuck by myself.

    I want my sidekick, my ride or die...
  8. I feel this pain.
    So unfulfilled. But still fighting the good fight. :love:
    I felt like this for awhile but things are picking up for me now and I feel a lot better. I find the more I do to improve my situation, the more motivated I am to keep on improving it.
    And if you're having a rough time of it, you always got this thread or you can PM me anytime. Don't quit. :D
  10. Nobody wants anything to do with me anymore it seems lately. Every weekend is the same damn shit self loathing in my room.

    Been nothing but feeling depressed, irritable and lonely lately.
  11. I spend so much time isolated. I either need it one way or the other. All solitude or constant interaction.

    Theme song for the last week going to sleep.
  12. Realized I'm not gonna kill myself the other week.

    Loneliness brought me there and now it has brought me back.

    Solitude, my sweet friend, stay with me forever.
  13. I miss getting drunk with people who didn't give a fuck about how aggressive they came off as... Because, in the end, they weren't.
    I miss getting high with people who didn't give a fuck about how strange their ideas sounded... Because they weren't.

    I miss old friends.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Why must i shoulder so much pain? It's unbearable. Why can't i be normal?
  15. I know I can't just point a figure. I know it's my fault that things are this way. It's my fault I can't pick myself up further than I have.
    To see where I am right now... with all my hopes retired.. with all my bridges burned and the things I loved gone. Not being able to make simple choices.. cause I've simply given up. Watching my last days counting down.. pretending like my life really means something.
    Everything i wanted and believed in is gone.. trying to face it without placing my head in my hands..
    No direction.. no hope.. no peace... question..
    Just waiting for it to be over... I just want this to be over
  16. I wish my ex could see how pathetic my life is right now.. not that I want her back or feel very lonely..I just want her to watch me suffer.. that's all
  17. hope your doing well Sassy been awhile since I have been on here. Sending good vibes your way always ;)
  18. #48499 mindbeats, May 31, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2016
  19. You guys talking all about finding people that care about you and stuff.. I can relate, except I'm always the guy that gets taken for granted. I try to be the best friend I can be to everyone I know, but nobody wants me to be. I don't get it. There literally isn't a single person in my life who is "close" to me anymore. Nobody knows shit about my life, and nobody wants to. People don't dislike me, they just don't like me either. it's the same as it always was growing up, or during high school. Just unknown and unnoticed by the entire world even though I'm a better friend and person than most of the people they will encounter in their lives

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