The Lonely Thread

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by SassyMelassy, Sep 17, 2012.

  1. Wow. I didn't know. Need it or not, she has my friendship, though she seems pretty chipper. That's a good rule of thumb for dealing with anybody, thank you, I'll try to keep it in mind.
    You're just a ray of sunshine bench.

  2. I am a magnet. Other people are magnets with the same charge. Its easy to get close, but the closer I get, the harder they push me away
  3. #47084 Jay-T, Nov 21, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2014
    I'm feeling too good about myself and my life to be having these lonely thoughts.

    some thoughts need an off switch
    Feel the same.
    If I could just flip that switch that leaves me feeling empty and alone at the end of the day, no matter how good the day is....
    Even my good days are sprinkled with loneliness.
  5. â–ª

    Attached Files:

  6. Maybe it's just something we get used to. I hope not though lol
  7. I feel warm and fuzzy and i would like a warm and fuzzy chest to lsy on. Also very tired.
  8. My pajamas still smell like her and that is not okay. Yet I can't bring myself to throw them in with the rest of the laundry right now. Mehhh.
  9. Ahh I know that feeling. I had a blanket from my last relationship 2+ years ago. Didn't want to get rid of it but the memories were too much to handle.
  10. Just going to sit and stew in this pot and cigarette smoke til it's covered up.
  11. That's my life
  12. I could probably cry right now.
  13. What's wrong Sassy?
  14. Lonesome
  15. I'd say join the club but it's your club heh
  16. I want to b the little spoon and cuddles
  17. Depressing, isn't it? :mellow:
  18. Same. I want someone to play with my hair and make me feel small and safe..
  19. I want to play with someone's hair and make them feel small and safe.

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