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Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by AresKenux, Sep 14, 2012.

  1. I'm confused, you are talking about "infinite loving reality" just as I am. What are you referring to?
  2. #622 highasballz, Oct 23, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 23, 2014
    The real god, not the false murderer god of the bible that sends people to hell if you don't believe even though he "loves us". Google non-dualism for the truth.
  3. Unfortunately non-dualism only attempts to explain spirituality but doesn't seem to attempt to explain the significance of God's laws of reality or the law of 1. It doesn't explain the logic of creation...God's perfection...again the perfection of God's law or laws depending on how we look at it. His creation is perfect...all except those given the gift of free will through love but that was our own failure not God's. Would it be love if we were forced to love? True love must be a choice or it is not true love at all, it is robotics. Not sure where non-dualism tries to explain that in an truly honest sense. Maybe you can help me understand?
  4. #624 highasballz, Oct 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2014
    Umm...did you even read anything about non dualism? It explains all those things...All is love, All is one, there is no separation
    here this explains some of it
  5. The bible and my personal relationship with the God of my understanding =  :love:  :hello:
    The church and it''s sheeple = :bolt:  :mad:  :cry:  :hide:  :confused_2:  :eek:  :confused:
  6. It explains the law of creation? The math and physics that compliment creation? Everything I have read regarding non-dualism only tries to explain perceived spiritual planes of existence but nothing tangible. It is my learned understanding about math and physics that profoundly establishes my faith in God, the same one and only God who gave His word from Genesis through Revelation. No other book that I have found perfectly connects the physical with the spiritual and no other book that I have found, written over such a long period of time, fluently and logically describes the pefect character of God.
  7. #627 highasballz, Oct 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2014
    If you think the bible ties together the physical and the spiritual using math and physics then I don't know what to say. The biblical earth is only around 6000 years old, the scientific earth is around 4.6 billion years old. It's extremely far off.
  8. I know about the idea by some that feel the earth is only 6000 years old but it is entirely false biblically. The bible time line of creation solidifies scientific observation of a universe and earth billions of years old. It is interesting that the 6000 year time line in Jewish history represents the creation of Adam not the age of the earth. I personally cannot talk regarding those who believe in a 6000 year creation since I don't agree with that based on biblical truth.
    Please show me where the bible solidifies a billion year old earth? It seems pretty clear cut what the bible says, they've traced the lineages back and added up all the peoples ages till adam and eve and its 6000 years old. Picking and choosing whatever parts of the bible you feel is right isn't helping your case. Pick and choose Christianity is even more delusional. Either believe the entire book or don't. It seems pretty clear cut when god creates everything in 7 days and then goes from there. Before that it was just darkness according to the bible.
  10. Exactly, the lineage to Adam goes back 6000 years but Adam ' s creation has nothing to do with creation of the first "days" prior to his creation. The bible is clear in it's description of the time prior to God's creation of Adam. Adam was created on the sixth day. So at what point of the sixth day? If the sixth day was millions of years long, when during that time was he created? It is obvious, at the end of that day just prior to the seventh day starting.

    When reading from Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 many people assume that it is looking back in time, but actually it looks forward from "day one" from the perspective of God. "Time" is only a consideration of energy or light. Without it there is no time. Do you think God would be bound by time? So there is a misconception by many to count the days of Genesis as 1000 year days but if that is the case, how can they explain 6000 years in the 7th day since the creation of Adam? If you use God's law or math and physics then you begin to realize that once time started at the introduction of creation, the spark, or what science calls the big bang, the speed of light, moving at 186,000 miles per second, must be slower than the expansion of creation in every direction from the point of origin. When you calculate the time it takes for energy to manifest itself into particles and then into matter which then forms the stars and galaxies and play it out through the six days of Genesis, you begin to see His glory being played out perfectly. Of course it is tough to explain it in words on a forum without going through Genesis day by day comparing it to what we observe in both math and astrophysics so I will have to leave it there for now.
    Or maybe it's all made up...
    Still hoping you might hook me up with that list of contemporary historians that wrote about Jesus Christ...  :)
    Isn't the book of Genesis from the "Old Testament", Judaic texts?
    They don't believe that Jesus was the "Messiah". 
    Why do you? 
    Look how much you're dancing around the truth and interpreting the bible however you see fit. You're saying days are worth years now? Nonsensical. I can make anything fit anything if I interpret it like that. Watch this->"1234567". The 1 stands for love, the 2 stands for the creation of the earth, the 3 stands for 3 parts of man, mind body and spirit etc etc etc Or maybe its just a random string of numbers I wrote for no reason except to make up some random example. If anyone can interpret the bible however they want then it's obviously not a good interpretation of truth. Did you know there are 20,000+ denominations of christianity? Many many many people can't agree over anything, no idea why you're sticking to this dogmatic belief system.
  13. Hey there...sorry been distracted by other posts...will repost it asap...I appreciate you taking the time! Actually there are many Jews who believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah. The issue that orthodox Jews have with Jesus is due to a misconception of Messiah ' s first coming. They had always believed that there would only be one coming of the Messiah and that He would come in glory and power, not humbleness and forgiveness of all who believe. Orthodox Jews believe God is only for them since they were His chosen people. What they fail to understand is that even though they were His chosen people, they were chosen as examples for the rest of the world to follow. Due to thier turning away from Him over history, He has scattered them from thier birthright multiple times, brought much sorrow on them to bring them back to Him. Do you notice how people tend to turn from God when things get tough or bad or even complacent? Do they get any better when we run even further from Him? The Jewish people despised by most of the world. Why is that?

    Back to the Messiah, it isn't until we begin to understand the true character of God that see not only how perfect His creation is but more importantly how perfect His Character is based on His word. He is very humble and loving. Like a perfect Father, He always gives us a way back to a relationship with Him, Jesus Christ, who was born into flesh by the Holy Spirit, walking perfectly in the world to show us how we should strive to walk, then brutally tortured and murdered in the worst way imaginable, hammerd to a wooden cross and left to die a slow and painful death, completely innocent of any crime...and to look up at His Father in all that pain, suffering, humiliation and hate surrounding Him and say in perfect love "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do". Question, was it the nails that held Him to that wooden cross? Could He of have called down the power of Heaven to save Him. It wasn't the was love that held for you and me.
  14. #634 -13 Amp-, Oct 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 25, 2014
    The bible also says to the lord a day is like a thousand years...

    So if you take that, then the 6 days of creation would have been 6 thousand years by itself...

    Not all christians believe in the "young world", its actually a small amount that do (they're called young earth creationist)

    I don't believe in the bible and I'm not christian but the 6000 year old earth is not a every christian thing and isn't all that commonly held as a belief...
    Even allowing for 6000 more years its still off the scientific view which is billions of years, so it's still way off by billions of years. Trying to stretch biblical earth to billions of years is extremely delusional.
  16. #636 -13 Amp-, Oct 28, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2014
    someone did a calculation according to dates (not actual dates, but time lines and ages of round-about birth dates) in the KJV of the bible and did it with their calender, the Bible DOES NOT say the earth is 6,000 years old and different people have come up with different calculations, James Ussher, an Archbishop from Ireland's calculations have stuck among most conservatives due to the KJV...

    For example Jews hold the creation date according to the Hebrew calendar as being 3761 B.C, ...

    During the 18th Century onward, belief in YEC (Young earth creationism, the 6000 year old earth) declined due to the advancement of geology. It was then revitalized with the Fundamentalist movement in the 20th century when they rejected evolution....

    again i'm an atheist and do not believe in the bible, but you need to stop acting like the bible actually says the earth is 6000 years old because it doesnt....thats just something someone has came up with and it has stuck around...

    there are many legit bible criticisms, but this isn't one of them...
  17. Praise God through your actions.
  18. Is your consciousness colored by the love of the lord?
  19. #639 kayakush, Oct 29, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2014
    any body here read the whole bible?  i am currently on pslams for about a year now.  i have read the new testament already before a few times
    What are you even talking about? Why is this not a legit criticism? Someone calculated the timelines of the bible and came up with 6000 years according to the bible...A date which is off by billions of years. Also evolution couldn't have happened that fast which is odd because the pope now supports evolution which contradicts biblical word...

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