male decisions

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by marley, Aug 19, 2006.

  1. i jus took a walk in the back of my jungle and spotted the last males of my crop so i am really interested in the things ppl to do with there males to get high, i ve of a bunch of different techniques and recipes jus never knew how to completly do the process.
    oh and if i wanted to dig them out of the ground and replant them in pots inorder to wait for the seeds to drop for more would this work?
  2. Males produce pollen, not seed. Kill all the males except 1, and collect pollen from it BEFORE the pollen sacs burst naturally. Pollinate one bud, on one female plant to get seeds for next year. If the pollen is left unwatched, your whole crop will get pollinated, and produce seeds.

    Good Luck!

    - Vince
  3. Vincent, you are an experienced grower, you give generously of your time, and all you have ever said is totally correct.

    But we continually get the same rubbish, like Does My Plant Need Water? over and over again.

    Is it Too Late to Grow Outdoors? is another one.

    One yesterday - When Making Clones do You HAVE to use Rooting Compound? Oh for fuck´s sake, go figure - what do you reckon??

    I am now just so tired of answering the same crap that anyone with half a brain cell could sort out on their own, that I am cutting back on the Qs I answer.

    Let us have a basic IQ test before we let just anyone onto GC.

    OK, that is my grump over for now. Be lucky everyone.
  4. there is a search button for a reason... i agree with spanishfly

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