Help me understand Republicans

Discussion in 'Politics' started by GreenRangerFOH, Aug 29, 2012.

  1. As someone who sits in the middle which I think most people actually sit here. Falling perfectly in line with any ideology is dangerous. Get 10 dems or 10 repubs all in the same room and they wont even agree with eachother on most issues. I think its more of being part of a team with some strangers that have some political views in common.

    Like I said I consider myself a centrist and both sides left and right just point fingers at one another and cry about the other doing stuff they don't like.

    It's all Bread and circus anyway.
  2. The biggest issue is a lack of a healthy dose of skepticism. People who are vehemently republican or democrat are often so confident in their positions that they never question their own beliefs. This is a very dangerous thing because it leads to people who deny basic evidence they are presented in favor of maintaining their own twisted beliefs. They are so convinced that they will deny the evidence before they deny their own position.
  3. there are like 40 million registered democrats and 30 million registered republicans in the US..
    to try and lump any of those people into one group and description isn't fair..
  4. its true.

    Its like have to believe what their party tells them.

    "I'm pro choice therefore I'm liberal therefore I must also support gun control"

    The entire left right paradime splits us from being able to think rationally.

    Totally, I personally think the whole abortion topic is extremely simple and complex at the same time. I know you were just making an example with the topic. but I think the problem solving process for Abortion could be applied to just about every political argument that one could think of.
    You have the right to life, this right doesn't only extend to persons over the age of 18. When does life begin? Is it when the brain is developed or is it when the heart starts beating? Well, if we look at the opposite end of the spectrum where an elderly family member is placed on life support and their brain stops working then the primary care giver has the option to remove life support. But usually life support is only pulled when there is no chance of the brain coming back. With a fetus we know the brain is going to develop. This is the problem. But I believe the options of abortion should be centered around the brain. 
    More importantly to me is education, people need to be educated on how to think critically, rationally, and logically which our schools don't teach. Most people never get taught anything about Philosophy until college and how many people actually go to college? 
    Long story short the Government isn't a godly like entity that can designate right and wrong, it's up to an educated population to make these distinctions if you want a free society. Left and Right doesn't fit into this scenario, and will only perpetuate us spinning our wheels. 
    I could talk about this stuff all day long, it really fascinates me to see how people think and develop their opinions. It astounds me that so many people have opinions entirely void of facts.
  6. Just curious, what's a tangible or realistic third way in the American political duopoly?
    I am with you that abortion isn't the best look, it is most certainly murder (even if they're only feti when aborted, the child never even had a chance), but the thing that makes me lean to the left on this situation is the fact that not every woman is ready to have a baby. Some women can't afford it, which is something I can't bare to see - a woman who can't put supper on the table at night and are then forced to send their child to bed starving. Another thing I can't bare to see, probably above all else, is women who don't want their baby, and don't love their child. The thing is, a mother's love is essential in growing up to be happy. A mother's love is a sacred thing, that only a mother can provide. Sure you can get nurturing love from your granny/aunt/big sister and that too is a very sacred thing, but it will always feel artificial, they aren't your mama and they will never be able to fully replicate her role, no mater how hard they try (I mean hats off to them for trying, but it just doesn't work like that).
    That's where education and personal responsibility come into play. Assuming you're a healthy developed adult you know when you get in bed the chances of having a child especially if there is no protection involved. There is adoption for that reason, just because "you" weren't responsible enough to think your decisions through doesn't mean a life "you" created irresponsibly shouldn't have a  chance because "you" weren't ready. If you run over a pedestrian with your car accidentally because you didn't see them doesn't alleviate you from the consequences. 
  9. Liberals love spending other people's money and they love being smarter and beter then the other guy
    They use welfare to bribe poor people into voting for them. That's one reason why taxes are high. They cant have a fair tax rate because they have to tell the poor people they are on their side.
    Abortions is a appeasement decision, as is gay marriage....most people don't care, but they make it an issue so they will have something to talk about.
    They want to take our guns away because they think they are beter then us and they want us to depend on the government for our safety.
    They jump all over the place, they don't know how to think for themselves. The smart ones are liberals for convenience. While the dumb ones just repeat what they hear. Others feel bad for less fortunate people and think they are helping.
    Yea but mistakes happen man. Most unplanned pregnancies happen during high school or college, and when you're that age, a lot of mistakes are made and it's all part of the learning process. In my eyes the rest of your life shouldn't be thrown away because of one drunken night. I mean if a mother doesn't want her child, then that child is going to have a depressing life, and so will the mother. In some ways abortion is kind of helping a child out. Also, you ever heard of a coathanger abortion? Those are just bad man, you have like a 50% chance of piercing your vaginal wall and bleeding out.
  11. Yeah I totally get it, I'm not 100% anti-abortion. As I've stated in my previous posts. My main point was that education is the most important topic when discussing the issue because it's not black and white. But at the same time you have to take personal responsibility for your actions. You chose to drink, you chose to get in bed these are things you have to live with. Just as if you chose to drink and get behind the wheel and took someones life. If that means putting a child up for adoption then you do what you gotta do. But that's coming from a morality point of view.  This is totally off topic from Dems Vs Repubs but, the cells become a fetus at 10 weeks which is when the brain starts to function at this point I consider it as much of a life as you and me. If you go on life support and your brain stops working people can pull you off and let you die. Why should abortion be any different?
    Re, the bolded.  That is incorrect on a factual basis.  Also, classist bullshit, but whatevs, because it's just untrue.  (I vote Democrat most of the time if there isn't a Socialist option)
  13. #34 MikeHoncho33, Feb 20, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 20, 2015
    Lol alright sister, believe what you will. But some facts - 56% of the 50 richest families in America are patrons to the Republican party. While a mere 14% are patrons of the Democratic party. (Forbes)
    Another thing is I've witnessed this phenomenon all throughout my life: My relatives (grandparents, aunts uncles, cousins on both mama's and pa's side) are ivy league graduate, six figure earning, classic Northeastern wasps, and they are republican as the day is long. Now my parents on the other hand, the outcasts of the family (lol), never went to college and neither makes very good money. And, you guessed it, they bleed blue.
    You God damned socialist.
    Ok, that's 23 families.  Out of how many tens of millions of Republicans?  You said, 
    You do realize that "more of the 1%" isn't the same as "generally", right?
    People with a post grad degree favor Dems over Republicans by 9 points.
    Here's some actual facts for you, if you're interested.
    It's why the Republicans (and Tea Partiers) are so vehemently anti-intellectual.  They don't WANT us listening to really smart people.
  15. #36 MikeHoncho33, Feb 20, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 20, 2015
    56% would be 28 families. 23 families would be 46%. 
    When I said generally, I meant that a larger percentage of Republicans have recieved a higher education. Obviously more people with college degrees are going to be Democrats, seeing as many more people are Democrats. And most people that go to college get ridiculous degrees (like liberal arts, english, psychology, communcation, art, etc.)  that shouldn't really qualify as "higher education".
    Anyway yea that's just too goddamn long I'm not gonna read that. It'd be nice if you could dumb the point you'd like me to see down into a few well written sentences, unless it's some socialist anti-American shit, I'd rather not hear that.
    I'm not even a Republican btw, just thought I'd put that out there
  16. If republicans are so smart, why can't we find someone to consider for the 2016 presidentially election besides another Bush? Why are the reddest states the poorest?
    Idk, ask a Republican. This is not the droid you're looking for lol. Maybe because Republican state's economies favor the smallest percentage of the population and don't care for the rest? Why do the bluest cities have the highest crime?
  18. #39 ashmagic487, Feb 20, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 20, 2015
    Wouldn't one assume there is some sort of correlation between crime and poverty? Blue states are more heavily populated, so couldn't one also assume that the blue states should be poorer?

    Eta: not a democrat or republican but I think we have a massive issue as a nation with the two party system.
  19. It's more complicated than this, but a large part of why red states are poorer is that Republican policies are about favoring the rich getting richer at the expense of the poor getting/staying poorer.
    Also, a bajillion other factors like rural vs urban wealth distribution and access to resources, historic inequality, infrastructure, the environment, etc.  But a serious part of the problem is that the GOP has some fucked up priorities.

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