Answer question above you.

Discussion in 'General' started by Lavions, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. Cold, pink eye, flu viral stuff.

    Longest break from marijuana?
  2. I think something between 5 and 7 months.
    What would you do on weekends, if you would live in a small town where you wouldn't know anyone?
  3. #33203 coño, Mar 26, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2015
    Happened to me this weekend, I'm doing fifo and I couldn't get hold of any bud there so I went to the pub and sunk a lot of piss and made friends haha

    Ever gotten stoned with your mum or dad?

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  4. Oh nooo
    Worst thing you've done to the opposite sex
  5. Just kidding.
    Worst thing you've done to your pet guinea pig
  6. Nothing never had one lolol

    Last time you scratched your balls
  7. #33208 OneSource, Mar 26, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2015
    Like 5 minutes ago

    What's your biggest goal right now ?
  8. To stay sane, payoff my house&car, and live to see my little princess graduate...:)

    "Just doin my time in the American dream"

  9. He'll no it's the equivalent of putting ice cubes in whiskey your watering down the buzz and the taste

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  10. To get extremely destroyed of this tuna kush what famous person dead pt alive would u like to smoke a spliff with

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  11. Bill Clinton

    What's your favorite way to smoke.

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  12. Dabbin'

    What's are you doing today?
  13. Getting stoned and taking my beautiful wee dog to the park.
    Favourite animal? 
  14. Hippo

    Last time you cried
  15. Sunday when I had to leave my family and go back where I live. Tried hard not to but leaving home is always difficult.

    Same Q
  16. Last june
    Do you dab?
  17. All the time

    Joints or blunts?

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  18. Blunts, though I rarely smoke either.
    How long has it been since you laughed out loud?
  19. Since last time I saw you and said "could you take a pic with me?" in a stupid voice :laughing:

    Same q

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