Answer question above you.

Discussion in 'General' started by Lavions, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. #32181 Now, Jan 26, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2015
    can't remember I think maybe tinfoil bowl but i didnt get high, I was what 12 years old, i consider my first time when I actually got high which was taking 5 Chong hits from the bong trying to look cool in front of my older friends... man I was so ripped I was hitting guitar hero notes in my head

    Yep just starteted growing small scale

    Ever had a near death experience?

    Terry why do you post that in every post it's already in your signature lol
  2. It's weird when I use app. Yeah I have.


    If you can't beat the game, if you can't solve the puzzle, then you're just another loser.
  3. Nope. Will as soon as I can..

    Do you browse GC a lot?
  4. Yes.

    Have you given/taken anal sex?
  5. No

    Estimate: Biggest bong rip you've ever taken?
  6. Yeah I wouldn't want too but I could quit for a year

    Favorite thing to do while stoned?
  7. Skateboard


    Open your mind
  8. get more stoned

    how many grams do you smoke a day

  9. 2 grams probably. 
    What's your favourite rolling papers? 
  10. I don't like joints....

    How's the weather where you are?
  11. About 30 degrees warmer than usual. So beautiful outside. 
    Same q. 
  12. Awesome 62 :)
    Chocolate or Vanilla?
  13. Vanilla.

    Favorite fast food meal?
  14. Afghan Kush x White Widow :D

    Favorite hip hop artist?
  15. Don't have a favorite artist but my favorite hip hop group/duo would be the underachievers
    Do you have different group of friends irl ?
  16. No

    Are you high
  17. I fuckin wish :(

    Long time no see btw. How you doin?
  18. Being sober and stuff. Haven't dabbed in a Month:[

    Shatter or crumble?

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