christian stoners?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by cotter, Aug 9, 2006.

  1. I'm a pretty strong christian, I go to church pretty often, and I* poke the smot. I think as long as i "use it in moderation" and don't get messed up all the time it's ok.

    It's just like how jesus drank wine, he didn't do it all the time, just at social events and used it in moderation.

    Thats how i justify it for myself.
  2. god made our bodies and brain to use marijuana
  3. I am a firm believer in Christianity but that doesn't mean I firmly believe everything that Christian chirches say. They are organizations, whereas the word church is to mean the body of believers. The Catholic church (organization) said that birth control is immoral. I don't believe that either. I would be far more concerned about the health effects of our eating habits than of smoking some weed.

    Oops, I may be crossing a line here.

    *not a debate thread, not a debate thread*

    Ok, I'm better. :)
  4. Me and my brother, who both do our best to remain loyal to the Christian faith, have discussed this once, during a super-baked chill session. He came up with some good points. First of all, the bible has scripture saying God created the seed-bearing plants for our use. Second of all, the fact that it is illegal should have nothing to do with it, considering worshiping God was once illegal.
  5. I am a christian. Go to church. Pray. All the normal stuff and I smoke weed. Is weed even in the bible? I dont think God would mind us using cannabis I mean it was put on earth.
  6. im a christian and i dont see anything wrong with smoking, i love it.
  7. Actually, the Bible mentions nothing about smoking weed or "everything like it". I'm not sure where you are getting your misinformation from but, it's just not true. In fact, if anything, the Bible condones the use of every seed producing plant:

    Genesis 1:29 - And God said, "See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth...

    The Bible also says to "drink but, don't be a drunk" and to have "self-control". I think this is a great rule to follow for anyone. There is nothing wrong with enjoying yourself as long as you don't abuse your substances.

    Unfortunately, there are too many self-righteous Christians out there who like to add their own opinions to the word of God. I don't think there is anything wrong with smoking the good herb as long as it's done with respect and not abuse.

  8. This is at least a perversion, if not a sheer ignorance of Christianity. Sins /=/ hell. I don't know where you heard it did.
  9. Well, I've been baptised, I believe and worship God, but I don't go to church, and I regret that because I am a Christian. I smoke weed, but I thank God for putting marijuana on the planet. A sin is the overuse of something and the loss of self-control. I'm not committing sins, I smoke enough to be happy to where I want to be and I'm not addicted.
  10. I am a Christian. I don't think we need any biblical justification for the spiritual/recreational use of cannabis, because people who don't smoke dont have to bibically justify their non use of the drug. It all depends on how you interpret the bible and your morals pertaining to substance use. Radicalist groups such as the Christian Right seem to condemn the use of illicit drugs to form a likeminded society and to promote conservative values. Left wing Christian groups (episcopalians, UU's) tend to have a more liberal view towards drug use, but do not condone the use. A more, "I'll do what I want because thats what god wanted." attitude.

    I personally would love to see the sacrimental use of cannabis in common christian practices/rituals. pshh, that will never happen...
  11. I'm an unorthodox Christian, attend services weekly, am employed by a church as a musical director, and smoke regularly (sometimes even before attending service). I don't view my enjoyment of marijuana as a sin because it has never been and never will be the focal point of my life. Smoking doesn't interfere with my daily life, I don't make decisions I "regret" when I'm smoking, and I enjoy marijuana in moderation along with good wine and good food. I lead a good life, help others as much as I can, and try to live by the values that Jesus preached, which is what Christianity is really about. Marijuana interferes with none of that and only serves to enhance my belief that we're here to make this world a better place while enjoying our lives. Marijuana use and Christianity can be compatible, IMHO.

    Peace always.
  12. I grew up in a Christian home up until about a year ago, but I feel like I can integrate weed and God in a mature way at this point. Smoking is only wrong in the minds of the general public because it is a criminal offense and people who smoke weed are stereotyped into a really small faction. Despite this, I think it's more about yourself and God than it is about yourself and other people. do what you do, that's what i say!
  13. I'm christian and I smoke. I don't think it's bad. I believe in the bible it says to treat your body as a

    temple, but as long as you don't abuse it I don't see a problem. Same goes for drinking, it's ok to

    drink but not to get shit faced drunk. All good in moderation.
  14. not personally, but i once smoked in a group of these guys, and one of them was christian and smoking for the first time. so, to make him feel better about it and stop being a buzzkill we all said grace before we lit up.
  15. as an atheist, i love smokin christians. if weed gets you dudes to push your moral/religious beliefs, and you see that you have no reason at all in the first place to have these guilty feelings, that just mean more of you eventually being more like me.
  16. i'm catholic but disagree with catholic brainwashing and catholic school brainwashing i knid of worship my own way
  17. Man, that's some beautiful shit there :smoking:

    I wish religion worked the way you view it. I may not be an atheist if it did. No dogma, no threatening with eternal fire for using a condom, no gay bashing, none of it. I've always heard "Don't judge a religion by its followers," but it's hard when the ones in "power" within Catholicism and Christianity are using it for all the wrong reasons. The point of religion has always been to control and train the population to act right, whereas the true point of spirituality has nothing to do with fear tactics and discipline, but rather a search for goodness, happiness, and peace with the earth and all of your brethren. And I think that's the point you've found, and I think that's the point which has totally gotten lost in all of the abuse by the "owners" of world religions.
  18. I've been baptized, and was raised Christian, but didn't think to highly of it.

  19. word :hello:

    Who has the right and power to judge God's creations

  20. Precisely. What's most important is that we are all capable of making mistakes. That includes priests and clergy, who are not gods. The Catholic idea of papal infallibility is preposterous. He's a man just like any other, and he is not closer to 'god' than anyone else.

    I'm familiar with Christian doctrine and have never read any scripture that says anything at all about marijuana.

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