way to 100% get rid of smell of any weed no matter how strong it is

Discussion in 'General' started by austyn12, Jul 11, 2012.

  1. #1 austyn12, Jul 11, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 11, 2012
    1. get a giant cup (like a glass milk carton or a milk carton)(it will give off fumes, i only would use glass containers or cups or jugs or watever)

    2. fill it with a half of oz of fine grinned coffee

    3.take a hit

    4.exhale the smoke into the container

    5.inhale into the container

    6.exhale into the container

    7.repeat till u dont taste any weed

    devices that i know this works with
    use carefuly if you try it with any other devices unlease your alone and want to test this to help people not get in trouble if someone in their house don't like to smoke or people who do

    warring and tips
    you might have to wait a min for it to work
    this wont keep the smell away if u take another hit u got to do this every 2 hits or every hit to hide it for good
    i tested this my self it smelt like weed for a little then i did the steps and it smelt like it a little then after a min or so was a coffee smell kinda then other min or so that smell went away
    please add to the list of what devices worked for u but test a few times.
    this only works because of the small container having the smell of coffee mix with the smell of weed
  2. You still have the smoke coming off of the bowl itself to worry about.

    The exhaling itself can be solved with dozens of other methods besides this one. Sploofs and the like. ;)
  3. #3 austyn12, Jul 11, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 11, 2012
    yeah i know usually what i do is just inhale and exhale in and out fast so smell is gone fast and cover with hand for 5 seconds and blow out if the bowl is giving off a lot of smoke smoke that has a strong smell of office for some reason the bowl doesn't smells up at lease in the kitchen i have if i blow out the coffee and let it spread for a min that's why it still smells like weed for a min or so.
  4. I know the answer to this riddle. You smoke it!

  5. That's basically like a more complicated sploof, I think.

    If you exhale though a well-made sploof, it's just going to smell like fabric softener perfumes and shit.

    And then there's no need to exhale/inhale in a jug filled with coffee. :poke:

    The smell coming off of the bowl/joint/etc is probably what gets most people caught, the smell of your exhale is pretty easily handled with a sploof.
  6. I have a milkjug that i sprayed some ozium into. I exhale into to it but i.never breath it in.
  7. #7 austyn12, Jul 11, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 11, 2012
    yeah i don't like how u use the toilet paper roll and this dost smell like anything after a min but basically that what its is without ruining the taste of the weed.here's how it works the smoke heats up the coffee and the coffee burns( i noticed it turns black and goes to dust). the reason the toilet paper ruisn the smell is because it smells like fabric softeners.
  8. yeah but i was talking bout the smell that gets people caught
  9. guys this isn't finished im just trying to figure out a way to make a tube with coffee in it. i understand u don't need coffee but its the only one that dost smell horrible from the chemicals and toilet paper rolls.
  10. The smell that gets people caught is the smell of fresh weed. You need hurry up and smoke that shit before the cops pull you over.
  11. that is solved by putting the weed inside a bag filled with coffee. if u want to hide it in u pocket instead of a air tight container
  12. #13 austyn12, Jul 11, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 11, 2012
    yeah there's those but you have to member some people are poor and want cheap homemade ways to do it or cant buy them online . i agree tho its a pain but this is like a last resort thing if u cant afoard smoke filters and don't want throes fabric softener 1s.
  13. this has no chemicals in it thats the prob with most of these ways to hide smell.

  14. btw one more thing. a lot of people would rather do this if they knew about it .my friends freaked out from excitement when they found out i made this without any chemically made items.

  15. If that's what you'd rather do, and it works for you, then no argument here. :D

    To me, it seems a little more tedious than a sploof. And I don't like coffee, so that's an added negative. ;)

    But if it works, and it's your preferred method, then do it up. :smoking:
  16. yeah it is i kinda hate it . I wish i knew about this when i first started tho i wouldn't of had my parents hate weed so munch ma by then. ill have to add a sploof with coffee instead of sheets. you can also do tea .
  17. Has anyone ever tried smoking next to an air purifier? Would it get rid of the smell?
  18. not great you need somthing to mask the smell like the smoke form coffee mixing with smoke from weed
  19. Why don't you just make a sploof? They're smaller and easier to hide.

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