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First Grow/Rubbermaid/CFL/Bagseed *PICS/CONSTANT UPDATES*

Discussion in 'Micro Grows' started by KBnugz, Jul 10, 2012.

  1. First off I'd like to say Hello!

    I had a different micro grow going on in the grow journals but I decided to scrap that and start this one where it should have gone. The plants are at about a month and a week, from seedling of course.

    I think they are doing alright considering how much I have done wrong, plus at about 2 weeks old I went on vacation and the lights got turned off for four days:confused:

    Yea, so I will be hoping for girls but preparing for them to be hermies or males :(

    Criticism is welcome, just don't hate on it.

    2 - Rubbermaid totes ( I think they are 18gal)
    2 - 4in diameter fans from walmart
    1 - 4in diameter PVC 90degree elbow for light control on exhaust fan
    1 - 125 CFL 6500k w/ hood
    1 - can of white/black spray paint for the inside (going to spray the outside black so it will be 100% sealed for light

    I sealed everything with liquid nails and a hot glue gun.

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  2. I painted the outside of the box today flat black to make it a 100% light proof, other than the seams, which I will think of something.

    Anyone have any ideas of how to light proof the edges where the totes meet the lids?

    I've tried liquid nails and spray painting the inside of the lids and there is still some light showing through, thanks.

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  3. Garage door sealer, its rubber and has double sided tape on one side, its meants to weatherproof the bottom of a garage door from water etc...only like $5-$8 at home depot
  4. Wow thats very slick! I'll be taking some pointers from this thread. You look like you know what your doing! would you mind going into a little detail about how you sealed it with liquid nails and how accessible the plants are after doing so? Thanks and good luck with the light leaks hope it works out!

  5. Hmmm..... maybe, good idea.

    I was thinking of something that could almost lock it into place also. It sort of still locks as if the tote wasn't being used as a "micro" :D But not good enough for me lol.

    Have any suggestions for that?
  6. #6 KBnugz, Jul 11, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 11, 2012
    Thank you, I tried taking my time but it's hard to have time when you're secretly doing this....*SSSHHHHHH lol

    I bought two... I wanna say 18 gallon totes. I took JUST the lids and completely cut out the middle of them, but was sure to leave enough of it intact so it could still lock onto the tote. Remember start out the cutting with a smaller hole, you can always go bigger but if you make it too fucked up:D and the lids wont close properly or worse.

    Once I did that, I first took the hot glue gun and glued the lids together. You want the lids to be in the opposite direction when you glue, OBVIOUSLY lol. Just in case someone out there needs clarification. When it is glued together I took liquid nails and went around the very edge where the two lids meet and made a nice seal.

    I let it sit out for about 24 hrs. After that I put the lid on the tote that was going to be used for the bottom and did the same thing, then I put the two lids that were sealed together on the tote I was using for the bottom portion. When doing this you have to be kinda fast with the glue cause it cools relatively fast. It also is a little tricky to seal with all the small spaces but absolutely worth it to have a sealed enclosure.

    Sorry I ran off a little bit lol, if you have any questions I will do my best to answer them for you with details. Thanks for looking at my thread, be sure to subscribe!!!
  7. ^^^EDIT: The reason I have that 4" PVC is so when it flowers I can strap on a DYI carbon filter very easily!
  8. KBnugz see if you can find the Akaz thread.He built this same grow with the same stuff and design ...he had problems but he was a noob. I can tell you got craft skills that you need to make it work. The guy did 357 posts and disappeared at harvest. His thread will help you imensely to not screw up like him using this design and building that diy scrubber

  9. Thank you Dr. Mengle, you know what's funny though....I was actually reading some of that thread awhile back. It was about a month ago but I did not get very far.

    His grow box looks really....umm...hackjobish lol.

    I don't mean to make anyone mad or anything, just my opinion. I will read the rest of the grow he was on and see if I can learn anything.

    Thanks for posting that for me to learn from! :smoke:
  10. Hey there blades!

    Since my last update I have sealed the lids with weatherproofing strips, so no more light leaks!!

    In addition to that I think my plants are doing quite well, I will be ordering a 125w 2700k on Monday. I have a question though, My plants are about 10in. tall and looking very healthy but I don't want them to get too big. I started from seed on June 2nd I believe, can I start flowering them next week?

    Anyways here is some veg porn lol

    I also fimmed the one that is bushy and left the one that is taller alone. I'm hoping both are female!!

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  11. DIY Carbon filter has been put on, I made it more secure by using screw to hold the middle and outside pen holder together because I am turning it upside down to use. I have put it on my 4" PVC and it fits very snug on the inside.

    My room started to reek of plants with a hint of sweetness:eek: So it was time to cover that up and I might say it helps.....a lot

    Almost looks like a smoke stack:smoke:

    I have also decided to start flowering in two to five days!!!
    My bushiest plant is starting to alternate nodes, so It must be mature now. I also have no idea if it is male or female along with the other three. (two indoors and two outdoors guerrilla style).

    I ordered the light I needed for flowering and should be here on Wednesday!!

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  12. Flowering Day #1

    They are about a foot tall now and don't have the room to grow them any bigger, I know they double or triple in size in flowering and that's why I have no more room to grow. I suppose I could let them get bigger but don't want to give it the chance to outgrow its bin.

    Got the 2700k light today and switched the light cycle to 12/12. I hope both of them are females!!! Even if they are males I will let them grow, only if both of them are. That way I can still practice good habits and get some hash out of it :rolleyes:

    Goodbye veg, hello flowers:smoke:........hopefully

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  13. Looks like you already have good habits, those plants look very healthy! Good luck with the flowering stage hope you get some nice females!
  14. Thanks man! They do look good in my opinion even though I used the dreaded Miracle Grow products, god forbid. I don't know why people hate on it. The reason people probably mess up with MG is because every time you water it releases a little bit of nutes to your plant. If you just water 2 times a week it will do fine, at least it is from my experience. I think people have a tendency to over water.

    It already has all the nutes the plant will need, I know it's not OPTIMIZED for cannabis, but sure does the trick. I'd rather use this with no additional nutes then to go buy organic with no nutes in it, then buy nutes, PH meter and all this stuff you need to regulate how much of this and how much of that it needs.

    This is just my opinion for growing in a micro though, I understand some people want full control over the plant, which is fine too. It was just easier in my honest opinion to grow with MG.

    DISCLAIMER: Your experience may be
  15. LOL. yeah I know what you mean with people tend to overwater, i'm dealing with the effects of overwatering my plant right now!

    Hey if MG works for ya, more power to you. Beats buying all the extra nutes and everything right off the bat. That stuff adds up quick.
  16. Awe that's no good man, but they will rebound quick. Just don't water them for a few days. I don't let my plants have any water till they show they need some, or I lift the pots up to see how dry it is. <<<It's the best way.

    Yea I hear you about the price of things adding up quickly, I think I've spent around a $150 for everything.

    I don't expect the same yield as someone who has the same amount of space but spends $300+
  17. Ahh, nice little tip! Thanks i'l have to start lifting mine to check!

    As long as your keep doin things the way your're doin them, I think you'll get a pretty decent yield, possibly an even better yield than some who dish out $300 + but dont do it right.

    Good luck man, looking forward to the next update on you plants!
  18. I appreciate that man! I will update once they show sex, male or female : /
  19. They looking good dude. My plants are about 2weeks old. Can't wait to get to your status haha

  20. Thanks guy!

    I couldn't wait for them to grow bigger too, but let me tell you they grow fast. The bigger they get the faster they've been warned lol :smoke:

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