update of my plants (pics)...

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by budblower10, Aug 5, 2006.

  1. hey yaall, i couldnt find out how to resize the pic and all that and put it on here that way, so i simply pasted the exact site that my pics are on another site (for some reason i could do it only here), so here they are. thanks guys for your comments, any ideas or thoughts are really appreciated. again, any estimates on yeild are much welcomed. i know ill get the ineviitble "its impossible to estimate yeild, so why do u ask" comments, but there are some people that actually give semi-acurate or "in the ball park" estimates. im hoping a few can put off a few ounces, any thoughts or ideas? <STYLE type=text/css></STYLE>


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