Dreams Reveal Mental Blocks For Law Of Attraction

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by TheJourney, Jun 27, 2012.

  1. Yes. The flow of creation and love is within us. What ive noticed though: it's easier creating what we REALLY want rather then what we don't. And when we create the things we don't really need, they can lead us down a fearful path.

  2. trust/faith is really it all it takes. thoughts will manifest with out a doubt, its usually the string of thoughts after the initial intentional thought that derails what we wanted from the get-go

    intend and let go and you shall receive..simple as that

    and really, it just seems like the frequency the individual is emitting temporarily has affect on others in the vicinity.. well those open to receive the frequency?? :confused_2: perhaps
    same way as an empath, i will unconsciously take on somebody else's pain
    its been so important for me to become aware so i wont create mental chatter about somebody else's pain. its painful to myself because in a sense, its a judging of their pain that's hurting me
    this stems from resisting what the other is feeling because deep down i hate to see people hurting

    when you know what you want, send out that intention
    divinity (what i consider our higher selves) will orchestrate events and shift our perceptions so that the manifestation can occur
  3. Well said. Easier said than done of course. But well said. :)
  4. [quote name='"esseff"']

    Yes the mind is very tricky.

    I love the fact that you feel you can do whatever you feel like doing at any given moment. Of course, were those things to affect other people negatively, as they do for some who adopt such an attitude, you might feel less able to do so as easily, or raise your awareness in the same way. But if what you feel you want to do is being positive and joy-filled, then this is a real achievement. To feel truly free is a great thing to experience. Are there some things you feel like doing but still don't yet do because you sometimes feel self-conscious?

    I like to push my limits, put myself into situations that are a little outside my comfort zone, that could be seen as awkward or embarrassing or strange by others, just to experience it, but in a nice way. I notice some people looking at me when I do this, and can almost hear their judgments, but I also tend to attract others who like what they see. There's something about being completely yourself, without fear of ridicule or judgment, that is very liberating, and resonates with others in a way they weren't expecting.[/quote]

    Word, I like putting myself in uncomfortable situations too. Like doing things I'd be shy to do normally, or just taking the harder route such as biking everywhere rather than driving. I find doing the harder things, comes more perks... Hard to explain.

    But yes, even before reading this thread I've felt as if I'm growing as a person. Coming out of a shell of conditioning. Lots of good things are happening for me and I expect it. When shit happens I know the universe is balanced and good times are not far away.

  5. agreed! its something i fade in and out of
    but ive noticed that if i catch myself as i slip into unnecessary though patterns, i can pivot out of it pretty quickly

    once i strive for it, im sort of doomed until i can regroup myself
  6. ^ The noticing of unnecessary thought patterns is a good state of awareness to be in. This is an essential practice so as not to have to accept everything that makes an appearance just because it does, then to know the difference between what is and isn't necessary, finally for there to be nothing unnecessary.
  7. There were a lot of good points throughout this thread. One I randomly noticed tonight, so its funny you should mention it. Ive been really getting into working on my own self lately, I've only recently began learning about manifesting your own destiny and I was drawn to it right away, but I've been through a lot this year and I've really been struggling with what I believe.  Well today I had a little bit of a breakthrough. It hasn't manifest itself yet, but my mental clarity is incredible right now.. anyways... Right after a meditation session, where I first started feeling this breakthrough, I ran to the convenience store to get candy before I went to a movie. I passed 3 people on the way in. One actually stopped walking to say hi and then two bums laid down their signs to wave to me. lol And then I encountered 5 more people inside. Every one of which smiled and said hi. Two of which stopped to have a small conversation with me. I typically talk to a few people every time I'm out. And I was high. lol so I could have just had a huge smile, but I was very conscious of not smiling, And friends say most of the time I can hide being high really really well if I have to. This time was just so different. Walking up, I was so aware of my reality.
    Anyway.. that was a really long story just to tell you that I have also noticed people eyeing me more as if they are aware, even if on a subconscious level. 
  8. Also its interesting how you compare to me. Headed in the same direction just different ways to go about it. :) Yours would be the logical steps. One being, becoming aware that you can create your own reality. and then lucid dreaming. I'm a little all over the place, learning how to have lucid dreams at a fairly young age. I think I was 6? 7? anyway I'm just now learning about the law of attraction and it would be very interesting to now be able to combine what I learn through my dreams. This is a pretty old thread that I am bringing back, but it would great to hear about your progress and what you have learned.
  9. wow.. i have to say that it has been a long time coming since this thread.
    one thing that i feel that must be said is that you are always manifesting and these moments of clarity that you are gaining are windows of opportunity to direct yourself to more moments of clarity.
    its so interesting that bums are the first to pick up my state of presence.. many times they are the first to approach me and start talking 
    many are friendly and eager to talk..although they talk about random things its usually very enjoyable.. its too bad society has brushed them off to the side
    i'm glad you are having this experience.. for me, these moments of one-ness where the connection between the outside and inside are symbiotic used to happen very spontaneously.
    i would listen to a guided meditation and feel a rush of energy and i'd try to replicate that experience and it appeared to 'not work' anymore...
    or i'd walk around my school campus, noting my breathe, my feet as i'd take each step and BAM i'd be present again..
    random people would approach and look at me with what i would call wonder
    it was hard for me to understand why it would happen on certain occasions and with certain practices.. but presence doesn't ever stay the same
    it exist as constant change and the high of that type of clarity becomes 'normal'.. as you experience it more often
    the initial experiences seem more profound simply because it was so 'new' to me.. and each time i wanted to experience it, i wanted it to be like those first few times..
    we are the creators of all these experiences, and it becomes a fun and exciting exploration. 
    what am i manifesting now? what do i want to manifest? who do i want to create with? how quickly can those unconscious patterns dissipate?
    there of course are hiccups on the road, but they are neither good or bad, they are just signs that put you back onto your desired path
  10. #30 A AnoesisOrange, Oct 18, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 18, 2013
    The way you describe these moments, makes me think of how I thought about some moments. I felt I was using the moment more like a drug. But it's different now. Idk... just a bump in the road.
  11. #31 Grimey Sole, Oct 18, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 18, 2013
    in my own experience it was something addictive - a mental compulsion created to chase the present moment
    our beliefs are methods in which we build constancy in a world of constant flux
    this doesnt mean the world is inconsistent - its just that presence allows us to explore ourselves in new ways that were inconsistent with our beliefs
    for each individual that's something different
    ... to adjoin this back to the main topic of this thread
    dream state is 'you' or a dimension/aspect of you who exists  in unrestricted territory.. you get the backdoor access to your subconscious
    you don't have to be lucid in your dream to get the ultimate benefit of this.
    make intentions for guidance/inspiration/self discovery/ or pretty much whatever your imagination can come up with to appear in  your dreams.. intend to carry on that energy from your dream into your waking reality.
    take note of the changes you experience and be willing to try something new and different.
    you dont have to mentally figure it out, but be willing to experience it
    Dreams are most certainly not your own PERSONAL creation... although, what you perpetually think about and reflect on, on a conscious or sub-conscious level, can definitely influence what you dream about. But, we in no way "create" our dreams.

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