Big bang a bust?

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by SouthrnSmoke, Jun 16, 2012.

  1. When did the cosmos show itself to us in the form of equations? Well, in every interaction the result and the logic can be mapped through mathematics. The atoms you speak of, can be represented through mathematical formulas, as can their reactions, mutuality and causation.
    This is why theories of the universe, such as string theory, can be persistent mathematically before they are proved physically. Moreover, in the case of string theory, it is very likely that we will never have the technology available to prove it on the macro scale, yet the nature of the mathematics can be defined. You said it yourself in a engimatic, and contradictive, conclusion; 'The symbols come together to form the expression of the universe'

    The language of mathematics was created, the logic behind its principles was not. If you had two apples and then added two more apples, you would have squared the original amount of apples. It doesn't matter if you call the number two a different name, or the method in which you describe the process of the exponential; the logic remains the same and is a universal axiom. This can be applied to number theory, as well as many other branches of mathematics.
    Your attempt to fallaciously belittle my explanation is quite ironic, considering it is likely that mathematics was discovered in an attempt to explain the world around us, such as its use in the distances and angles required in sailing. They are universe laws, intrinsic to the physics of our cosmos; we could not alter the logic behind the notation, because this would not be in accordance with reality. The gravitational influence would still be the same, regardless of what name we wish to assign to its value. If in a parallel universe (which was described by the same physics) we defined the number 10 as a new symbol; say, for simplicity, 20. The logical value would still be persistent and if the two universes were compared, the two values would be equivalent - only the notation would be different.
    This is known as logicism, and means that the propositions of mathematics are really tautologies. Even if the language isn't universal, and derivative of constructivism; the logic is still infallible and consistent.
  2. Let us understand how the universe created, according to the big bang theory. Universe began from a singularity. At a singularity, infinite density created infinite curvature, due to which the classical laws of general relativity, rather all known laws of physics break down. Therefore, what happened before the big bang is something which nobody can answer.

    The age of the universe according to Big Bang theory is estimated to be 13.73 (± 0.12) billion years. Taking the Big Bang as the starting point of time, here I give a brief timeline of successive events that led to the creation of the universe (as we know), according to big bang theory.

    The Planck Era: 0 to 10-43 seconds After the Big Bang
    Bang. The universe started expanding from a size lesser than the size of an electron. The period from big bang to about 10-43 seconds after it, is called the Planck Era. In this period, the curvature, the energy and the density was so high that all laws of physics, the general theory of relativity or relativistic quantum mechanics fail. According to a still invalidated theory of supersymmetry, all four fundamental forces would have been united into a single force in this period. Gravity would be as powerful as all other forces at this time. All this of course is still a matter of speculation and mathematical fiction. To understand what happened in this era, we need a theory of quantum gravity, which is still a distant dream. So in the Planck Era, which is theoretically the shortest possible slice of time that you could have, what happens is still a mystery as we do not have the theoretical mechanism to analyze what happened.

    Grand Unification Era: Between 10-43 seconds to 10-36 seconds After the Big Bang
    During the Grand Unification Era, the temperature of the universe must have been of the order of 1027 K. This corresponds to an energy greater than 1019GeV, which is the threshold for grand unified theories. Grand unified theories are as of now hypothetical theories that propound that at very high energies, the four forces of nature are combined into one supreme force. According to this theory, during this phase, gravity separated from the rest of the unified forces, due to symmetry breaking. The universe was dominated by gravity and a unified force (Strong and Electroweak force combined into one.), dominated it. The Higgs boson (It is as yet a hypothetical particle which is responsible for particles gaining mass. The Higgs field pervades all of space and time and particles acquire mass due to their interaction with Higgs particle.) is supposed to be the only particle that exists at this point.

    What happened during this era, is unverified as yet, because terrestrial particle accelerators haven't advanced enough to create energies beyond 1019 GeV. During this period, the physical attributes of mass, charge, color or flavor were meaningless, due to the very high energies involved.

    The Inflationary - Electroweak Era: 10-36seconds to 10-12 seconds After Big Bang
    The story of what happened in this phase is also unverified because particle accelerators have not been able to recreate an energy scale of this order. So what follows is a hypothesis. During this period, the temperature dropped below 1028 K, the symmetry that was holding the strong force and electroweak force together was broken and they were separated, becoming two distinct forces.

    The phase transition that separated the strong force from the electroweak force triggered a phase of exponential inflation. That is, the universe rapidly grew in size during this phase and its expansion was driven by an inflaton field. This inflaton field was a scalar field, that generated a huge repulsive force, which triggered the exponential expansion of the very fabric of space time.

    The interval between 10-36 to 10-32 seconds is known as the inflationary era. The linear dimensions of the universe got magnified, almost 1026 times the original size. The universe became roomier as its volume increased to almost 1078 times, its present size, in a hundredth fraction of a second. That is what you call exponential growth.

    The universe became smoother, roomier and started tending towards isotropy and homogeneity. The temperature of the universe was not uniform during this phase and seeds of structure formation (Structures like galaxies), were sown by this initial inhomogeneity. The temperature fluctuations and inhomogeneities remained scale invariant, as the universe inflated rapidly. Due to this, minuscule fluctuations were magnified to larger size and ultimately were responsible for creating galactic structures. During this phase, huge numbers of exotic particles (all bosons) like W,Z and Higgs particles were also created.

    At about 10-36 seconds after the Big Bang, inflation ceased. The tremendous potential energy of the scalar inflaton field was released, creating a hot and dense relativistic plasma of quarks, anti-quarks, gluons, electrons and neutrinos. Matter and energy are inter- convertible. It was a hot dense soup of particles.

    The question that remains unanswered is that why is there more matter than antimatter in the universe. It is called the problem of 'baryogenesis'. The answer lies in this period, where the first quarks and anti quarks were formed.

    At the end of the Electroweak Era, as the universe expanded, the temperature dropped down further, leading to the breaking of the electroweak symmetry. Thereafter, electroweak force split into two forces, which are the electromagnetic force with infinite range and weak force with a finite range.

    Quark Era: 10-12 to 10-6 seconds After Big Bang
    After the end of the electroweak era, the Quark Era began. In this phase, all the four forces had begun operating in an independent form. The universe was filled with a quark gluon soup, (plasma) in which quarks actually existed in free state. This particle soup contained quarks, leptons (electrons, muons, tauons, neutrinos and their antiparticles are collectively called leptons) and their antiparticles. The universe was too hot for quarks to bind together and form protons, neutrons or other hadrons (Hadrons are particles that interact via the strong force).

    Hadron Era: 10-6 seconds to 1 seconds After the Big Bang
    In this period of fraction of a second, the universe had cooled just enough for quarks and their antiparticles to fuse together and form the first hadrons and anti-hadrons (Protons, Neutrons etc). When matter and antimatter particles come into contact, they annihilate to form pure energy. So as the universe cooled further, the hadron production seized and the hadron-anti-hadron pairs annihilated each other, leaving a few hadrons behind. The neutrinos were decoupled, that is freed from interaction with the hadrons and since then they travel unhindered at the speed of light, rarely interacting with matter. All this happened within one second after the Big Bang. So much can happen in a second, as you can see. A universe is created within a second.

    Lepton Era: 1 second to 10 seconds after the Big Bang
    A mere span of 10 seconds seems hardly enough to be called an era. However, due to the immense importance of what happened during these first few moments, it deserves to be called an era. After hadron annihilation, leptons dominated the matter content in the universe. As the universe cooled even further, lepton production stopped. Like the hadrons, leptons and anti-leptons too annihilated each other, leaving a few extra leptons behind. This is because of the inherent matter-antimatter asymmetry in the baryogenesis phase. This process of nucleosynthesis was sustained for only 17 minutes, as after that, the temperature and density of universe fell below the critical values necessary for fusion.

    Photon Era: Begins 10 seconds after the Big Bang
    At the end of the Lepton Era, photons dominated energy content of the universe for up to 300,000 years. Electromagnetic radiation was however coupled to all the charged hadrons and leptons.

    Nucleosynthesis: 3 minutes to 20 minutes after the Big Bang
    Three minutes after the big bang, universe had cooled down enough for the protons and neutrons to bind together to form the first nuclei in the universe. Through the process of nuclear fusion, protons and neutrons which bumped into each other, fused together to form the very first nuclei.

    In a matter of 17 minutes, all the nuclei in the universe were created. The heavier elements were synthesized from these first light elements, long afterwards through nuclear fusion in stars. The elements that were created in the process were as follows:
    Deuterium (H-2 An isotope of Hydrogen with one proton and one neutron in the nucleus)
    Two isotopes of Helium (He-3, He-4)
    Lithium isotopes (Li-6, Li-7)
    Radioactive isotopes like Tritium (H-3), Beryllium (Be-7, Be-8)(However they decayed into stable elements)
    Of course, protons themselves are hydrogen nuclei, which to this day is the most abundant element in the universe. Helium-4 is also one of the most abundant elements (25% by ratio) that formed in the primordial nucleosynthesis. In fact, the abundance of helium-4 in the universe is a strong evidence which validates the big bang theory. The matching between observed and predicted nuclear abundance is one of the major evidences that backs the big bang hypothesis, turning it into a 'theory'.

    A Dark Age: Till 377,000 years after Big Bang
    For 377,000 years after the nucleosynthesis, the universe kept expanding and cooling further. After the initial tumultuous hour post big bang, things were quiet for next 377,000 years. The universe hadn't cooled enough for the light element nuclei to form atoms and radiation was still coupled to ionic nuclei. Therefore, during this period, universe was opaque to electromagnetic radiation. Hence this post-nucleosynthesis period of 377,000 years is known as the dark age.

    The only radiation emitted during this period was the 21-cm spin line of Hydrogen, which falls in the radio band of the electromagnetic spectrum.

    Meanwhile, gravity was at work of course, clumping together matter and creating aggregates. The primordial temperature fluctuations were amplified into regions differing in density and temperature. To put it in simple words, the rich got richer and the poor got poorer. That is, the hot regions, got hotter and denser with time and the cold regions got colder and rarer. However, these fluctuations were still comparatively small. They set up the stage for future structure formation of galaxies.

    After 377,000 years, things got moving again as universe had cooled just enough for the hydrogen, helium and deuteron nuclei to form neutral atoms. This meant that the primordial radiation, which was till then encumbered and coupled with ions, was decoupled and freed. Electrons got captured and bound to nuclei in the process of recombination. The universe became transparent to radiation and it freely propagated throughout the universe.

    Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
    This wave of recombination swept the universe freeing primordial radiation, which has been propagating through the universe since then, unhindered and untouched. This is known as cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR), which pervades all space and has been recently detected and mapped. It is the premier and unarguable evidence for validity of the Big Bang theory. The map of this detected radiation is an exact image of the baby universe as it was then.

    Of course, the wavelength and frequency of this radiation is not same as it was during recombination. Imagine that the universe is a balloon and the CMBR is a wave shape drawn on it. As you go on inflating the balloon, the wavelength of the wave drawn on it, will go on increasing. This is not because the wavelength is changing, but because the balloon fabric itself is expanding. Similarly, wavelength of CMBR was stretched and elongated due to expansion of the very fabric of space time and today it lies in the millimeter radio band. It was accidentally discovered by scientists working on a radio communication antenna.

    In recent years, COBE (Cosmic Microwave Background Explorer) and WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe ) have given us clear images of the baby universe as it was then. The CMBR map is a gold mine of data for the cosmologists. It has changed cosmology from being a purely theoretical branch of mathematical physics to a quantitative and precisely validated science.

    Reionization: 150 million to 1 billion years after Big Bang
    After recombination, the universe kept expanding and gravity was quietly doing its job. Large clouds of gas were created through aggregation, which condensed and collapsed under gravity to form the first objects in the universe, the quasars (quasi-stellar objects) and the first stars (Called Type III). Quasars emit gargantuan amounts of energy, created due to heating of matter falling into a massive black hole in its belly. The first stars also formed due to the collapse of smaller gas clouds under gravity. The first stars and quasars lit up the universe. For more on stars, read what are stars made of.

    The energy emitted by quasars was absorbed by neutral matter in atomic form. This released the electrons bound to nuclei, reionizing the universe. Such was the energy output of these quasars, that most of the baryonic matter in the universe was ionized.

    In stars, the very first nuclear reactors ignited, synthesizing heavier elements like Carbon from the light elements that formed from the nucleosynthesis. Stars are the furnaces powered by nuclear fusion, where all the heavier elements which make our world were synthesized.

    First Galaxies Form
    There is evidence which shows that first galaxies were created about 500 million years after the Big Bang. All this was of course the handiwork of gravity. The subject of how these large-scale structures formed is a matter of intense research today and I will not attempt to explain large-scale structure formation here as it's a complicated subject, which would well take a book.

    Galaxies are islands of matter in the vast desert of dark space time. These galaxies are gravitationally bound to each other and they form even larger structures called galaxy clusters. They are a huge collection of galaxies forming a giant conglomerate of sorts. These galactic clusters go on to create super clusters. All galaxies move around in a gravitational tango around the centers of these galactic super clusters. The earth moves around the Sun, the Sun moves around the galactic center and the galaxy as I said moves around another galactic supercluster.

    Our Solar System is Created: 8 Billion Years After Big Bang
    As galaxies like our Milky way condensed under gravity forming billions of stars in the process, heavy elements were created. As stars burned and died, the heavier elements were sprinkled in the solar system through nuclear fusion and supernovae. Universe recycles everything. From dead remnants of previous stars, seeded with heavier elements, newer stars formed.

    In such a heavy element enriched region, five billion years ago (roughly 9 billion years after the Big Bang), our Sun, a third generation star, was born. From accretion disk of debris, around the Sun, our solar system was created. Then eventually, earth, as a planet came into existence about 4.5 billion years ago. Life and intelligence, evolved as we know on Earth and possibly on many other such solar systems.

    Dark Matter
    There is something known as dark matter, which does not emit any kind of electromagnetic radiation and the only thing that it responds to is gravity. It plays a major role in the evolution of the universe through structure formation. There are indirect evidences of its existence, but its nature is unknown.

    Dark Energy
    The mystery of the millennium for astrophysicists today is dark energy. The cosmic microwave background radiation predicts that there is a dark energy which drives expansion of the universe and with time, it's only going to accelerate it. Astrophysicists today have no idea about the nature of this energy which constitutes 70% of the energy content of the universe. The weird thing about it is that dark energy is unclustered and exerts negative pressure.

    The pressure exerted by normal matter is directly proportional to density. More the density, more is the pressure. However, an entity exerts negative pressure when with increasing density the pressure decreases, while with decreased density, pressure increases. As the Universe expands, it becomes rarer (less dense), due to which negative pressure exerted by dark energy goes on increasing. So the universal expansion will accelerate with time.

    According to the cosmic microwave background radiation data, the stuff we are made of, which is baryonic matter, forms only 4% of the total energy content of the universe. Just when we think we know everything, the universe comes up with another riddle. The ultimate fate of the universe is a matter for future inquiry.

    If you look at the whole process of the evolution of the universe, you will see that it is a series of increasingly subtler energy changes that have molded complexity at every level. Everything or action in the universe is a manifestation of energy or an energy change.

    As you can see, story of evolution of the universe according to Big Bang is still a largely sketchy story with blank spaces, mysteries and enigmas. The most amazing thing is throughout this whole journey is the fact that, matter has evolved to a point of consciousness, where it questions its own origin. Matter has self organized itself into intelligent life.

    Someday, when we know how the universe was created, next question that comes to mind is, why was the universe created? What is the ultimate purpose? Why are we here? What next?

    No one can answer these questions today but to have known whatever we know today is no humble achievement. So far, so good. I conclude this article with the hope that I gave you an overview of the way things are and how they became that way. I end this article with a quote by Stephen Hawking, which I think puts the whole thing in perspective...
  3. #23 SouthrnSmoke, Jun 17, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 17, 2012

    So your argument boil down to 1+1=2, no matter where you are.

    What your not factoring in, is this is how the human mind observes the universe to work. To assume that what our observations are telling us is true, or absolute relative to how the universe would be working from ANY perspective is a stretch. Your assuming the human mind is capable of percieving the entire truth of the universe to begin with. You have no ( or provide no) evidence to suggest this is true.

    To prove an observation made from one perspective, with another observation from the same perspective, hardly makes it absolute relative to ALL perspectives :)

    Im not trying to belittle anything you say, just holding a discussion.

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