I miss you Leah.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Snuggles, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. persevere man, much love going your way.
  2. Hope you get her back man it must feel like an empty part inside of you. get to those courts if your the father my friend was in the same situation, guess who gots the kid now after taking it steady with nthe court . he does and is happier than ever good luck man youll get her !
  3. Stay strong OP. You seem like a really competent guy and I see no reason you shouldnt be allowed to see your own child. Ill say a prayer for ya brother. Good vibes~~~~
  4. thats some hard shit man. Just remember some people are like lurkers at the casino. They watch you play the slots forever, and when you finall give up, they just take over and win your money. Dont let that fucker keep you away from your baby. Tough times never last, but tough people always do. im not religious, but youre in my meditations tonight. Stay strong my man.

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