when was the last time you got laid?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by thatbakedbitch, May 29, 2012.

  1. My gf and I are going through a rough spot...We can only see each other once a week because of work and school, so I think we're both reevaluating things. We've essentially stopped talking, and there's no prospect of sex.
    five or six weeks for me...

  2. Like three weeks ago, by some chick who I thought really liked me but blew me off to go back to her ex girlfriend, fuck man hahaha

  3. 3 days ago 😔

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  4. Hmmm like 4 months lol
  5. Too...fucking...long. Ain't a single oasis in this desert.
  6. At some point between the West Virginia-Kentucky game and the Arizona-Xavier game [​IMG]
  7. Almost 2 months ago

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  8. Yesterday morning. Was fucking bombbbbb
  9. Before I went to sleep like 4:30pm then again at like 9:45pm before I went to work :) lots of sex when the wife wants another baby.
  10. a gentleman doesn't kiss and tell, so...

    last night... ravaged that ass
  11. 4hours ago.
  12. 12hours ago.
  13. Shouldve been yesterday, shouldve been minutes ago but its actually like 2/3 months ago. January I believe.
  14. couple weeks ago...needs to happen again soon. i need to find a fuck buddy instead of just banging randoms once lol
  15. Tips. Get snipped so you can't have kids. Then hookup with desperate women in there 30's who want a baby. You will get tons of sex. !disclaimer! You actually have to be able to fuck... None of that highschool 5mins its over bullshit.
  16. It's been almost 4 days, I feel like I'm withering away :(
  17. A few hours ago.

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