Think twice before using mayo in sex

Discussion in 'General' started by deadkndys, May 22, 2012.

  1. sounds like an urban ledgend. maggots could not survive trapped in a snizz.
  2. Knew it couldnt be real. The fact that it was tuna... which would give her vaigna a fishy smell.. just too perfect of a story
  3. Dafuq did I just read
  4. fucken a, i almost puked reading that!
  5. haven't heard this one for a good decade or so!
  6. fucking gross man

    I knew it was fake when they used tuna/mayo :eek: that is just nasty man

    Nutella works best ;) peanut butter isn't bad
  7. Damn, the internet really makes you more calloused doesn't it? Didn't even flinch about this... I need a break.

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