trippy bugs

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by dire_wolf, Jul 20, 2006.

  1. i dont know if any one else has ever seen these bugs but i HAVE ONLY SEEN THEM ON MY PLANTS no where else. i always am looking for sweet bugs sense i was about 11 or so . i see them only on the pot plants nowhere else and i have been looking realy hard for them on other plants. but i have no luck finding them. i am really couriouse if any other outdoor grower or any one has seen them before. there are really small about the size of a grain of wild rice and super trippy. there was 3 of them on my one plant. i took about 30 pics but only 4 turned out good. and i am pissed but the only one that got is head really good is blury on the head but perfect on the tail. the second best one that has the head is super cool.

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  2. Its a Scarlet/Green Leaf Hopper (proper name is Graphocephala fennahi)


    Feeds on the buds, young leaves and shoots of rhododendrons, azaleas, forsythia and other ornamental shrubs. There is no obvious feeding damage to plants, but attacks by this pest seem to encourage fungal infections, especially the spread of bud blast disease in rhododendrons and azaleas (caused by the fungal pathogen, Pycnostysanus azaleae). Adults appear in late summer. They sit on buds and leaves, jumping and flying briefly when disturbed but soon re-settling. Females lay their eggs in shallow slits cut into the outer scales of flower buds. The eggs overwinter and hatch the following spring. The nymphs feed on the undersides of leaves and mature by the end of summer.
  3. dang, do you know of it being a threat to "special" buds that arnt growing on hododendrons, azaleas or forsythia. if ya know what i meen:ey:

    i was all yay for the trippy bugs untill i read this no i am :eek::(:mad::eek:
  4. haa shit i saw some of those climbing on my plant the other day
  5. yeah, iv seen those before. Just flick them off, they didnt seem to cause any life threatening damages, but i don't know that for sure cause some fucks stole the plant.

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