Fulvic Acids and Bud Fertilizer

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by d4rkw0lf, Jul 20, 2006.

  1. I am going to be using Fulvic Acids before I give my plants budding fertilizer.

    I should be using them on 15th of August and the 15th of September.

    And then when should I give them budding fertilizer, like the 30th of september?

    What about bud hormone on like the 1st of August?

    Sound good?
  2. Sounds like a chemical factory.
  3. Oh........

  4. Forget all that garbage chemicals. I use one fertalizer the whole grow, Scotts 10-10-10. That's the only fertz. Other than that everything is 100% natural, right down to Spanish's Garlic and Soap pesticide I use. Too many chemicals ruin things.

  5. What about organic fulvic acid's?
  6. What is fulvic acid anyway? Why do you pluralise it to fulvic acidS? What is its chemical formula?
  7. I heard it clears the roots out of fertilizer, so you use it right before you give it the next budding fertilizer.
  8. So you don´t really know anything about it?? (Note it is now singular) Have you even got any??
  9. nope, nope.
  10. Fulvic acid is an organic acid that was present in soil naturally until overfarming and overfertilization depleted it. It results from the decomposition of organic matter, and is derived from humic acid. It acts as a piggyback or "claw" molecule, because it passes through cell walls so easily. Literally piggybacking 50-60 different kinds of nutrients through the cell wall on each single molecule of fulvic acid. It drastically improves nutrient uptake, in addition to a whole host of other benefits, including: stronger immunity, improved resistance to stress (including temp, pruning, and pH stress), shorter internodes, and more plentiful flowers. It can also be used as a foliar spray, and can greatly improve branching and flowering. So, don't knock it until you've tried it, just because you've never heard it. :smoking:

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