
Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by JohnnyWeedSeed, Jul 19, 2006.

  1. does anyone know why all the bugs like to eat my marijuana plants down to the stalk but dont touch any of the other 100's of other kinds of plants in the woods?
  2. Sod´s law !!!!
  3. funniest thing is watching a bluebottle land on a sweating bud.
    it slides off after a bit ¬ & instead of going BZZZZZZZZZZZZ, goes like BLlllllllllllleu & bumps into stuff.
    slugs ate 1 entire shoot of mine the other week, but can only manage a few chunks out of a leaf now before they fall off in a stupour :D
    Then a bird comes down & eats the stoned slug rofflez vous ad infinitum :smoking:

    fk em imo. weed plants are probably one of the best defended plants on the planet.
    ah sez. Watch them respond to direct sun, rain, darkness, watch them thrive after being crushed.
    Then get fkin rekt off the fkers :D
  4. Why do you choose to smoke the marijuana plant and not other kinds of plants?


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