the mysteries of god

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by shrivel, Apr 8, 2012.

  1. the thing i dont understand is that so many people pretend to know what the bible is without reading it. it's like, hello... did you ever read exodus? does a burning bush seem familiar to you? (not weed ok)

    you cant get in the mind of god... all this disbelief makes me wanna be a muslim sometimes. at least they have two gods... well mohammad isnt exactly a god but they treat him like hes jesus or something. you know he had sex with prostitutes right? i mean jesus saved a prostitute. would you?

    sometimes i think the muslims are more down to earth.

  2. muslims are the ones with one god, and a final prophet. no worship, just praying for him.

    christians have god, jesus, the holy spirit, and catholics have hundreds of other gods that are called saints that they pray too and make offerings too and even credit for divine intervention.

    I like Islam better myself, but just saying.

    allah saved a prostitute (well, told her that her sins were forgiven) because she gave water to a stray dog. Muhammad wasn't god so he cant save like jesus could.
    I would save a prostitute, yes of course.

    Muslim devotion is quite admirable, and their humility in terms of just in the streets, falling to their knees in devotion of god to become aware of his presense, 5 times throughout the day. No images of Muhammad so they dont feel worshippy about him, give charity, dress respectfully, etc. all very beautiful.

    Its my favorite of the big 3
    Sufism is the best sect though, hands down (imo)
  3. thank you for the well thought-out post man. but did you know muhammad had a bunch of wives, including a 9 year old he had sex with and also some concubines? i mean, it's more like real life than the story of jesus which is why i sort of am down with it, but still it's pretty fucked up to imply that's divine behavior.
  4. yes im aware, it is kinda fucked. but if you read the infancy gospel of thomas you'll see that jesus killed several (mostly innocent) people for no good reason.

    so eh. I take neither book literally, or factually. Nor do i think they were messengers of "God", i just think they brought good messages too the world.
  5. jesus killed someone?!

  6. The Infancy Gospel of Thomas
  7. wow, that's a part of the literal bible or an alternate script that was later discovered?

    "thou shalt not kill"? what kind of shit is that?!
  8. Religion is man made....stories in the bible are just stories...its the mythology of the middle east....talking snakes,superhuman feats,etc.

    Come the fuck on

  9. there are multiple bibles.

    before the bible there were many individual christian scriptures used by various christian communities, and then the torah.

    this particular text was excluded when they made an "official" list of books to go in the bible.
  10. well... how do we know that's legit then? i mean, the bible is probably a little bit more legit than that scrap then id think... jesus killing people after talking about thou shalt not kill makes him almost seem like a prophet, like muhammad.

    edit: then again maybe not because god is allowed to smite people and technically jesus is supposedly god.

  11. The current bible is not trustworthy at all, no more or less so (actually maybe less so) than this gospel.

    we don't know anything's legit. take it all with a grain of salt
  12. that's exactly my view about the newest "scientific theory" too.

    the science cartel is almost as bad as either the religious and banking cartel.
  13. [quote name='"shrivel"']
    that's exactly my view about the newest "scientific theory" too.

    the science cartel is almost as bad as either the religious and banking cartel.[/quote]

    well... I'm not sure what you mean by that.

    if you think the scientific method is like religion, I vehemently disagree. if you disagree with some scientists findings, then I may agree
  14. religion only lets you go so far
  15. Religion limits the quest for knowledge of the universe
  16. Enlightenment is like the center of an island

    Religion is a boat you row from the mainland to the shoreline.

    when you get to the shore, you need to get out of the boat and find your own way to the islands center. if you keep rowing the whole way, you'll never get there. rowing in the sand isn't effective.


  17. yep, because in order to trick your mind into believing you have to choose to ignore logic, and have blind FAITH instead....hahaha man i hate that word
  18. Did he really just compare science to religion and banking?

    Shrivel its like your threads get worse and worse.
  19. its interesting that no one takes it serious that science never proves itself (i.e. yes, the scientific method as "the best"). it just wins converts. but no, they aren't "converts" or "saved", they are "educated people". people who are standing in line.

    bravo chaps, bravo.

    you guys aren't religious at all... not dogmatic a bit. you must not be some subspecies of ordinary human at all.
  20. What?

    You are quite delusional.

    Did you just say science never proves itself? I hope that whole sentence was a typo otherwise im just gonna leave this thread.

    And converts? These men and women go to school for years to study on a subject they love, This is nothing like the dogmatic nonsense religion teaches/brainwashes.

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