smoking tobacco out of a gravity bong

Discussion in 'General' started by twitchydude420, Mar 15, 2012.

  1. That makes me feel nauseous just thinking about it. I'm already pretty hung over and feelin shitty but damn that would be the worst thing to do who is addicted to nicotine that much that they need a gravity bong rush.
  2. Wow that's harsh. I used to smoke a gravity bong. Even weed felt really harsh to me out of it and to remember I once took a tobacco bowl outa bubbler and it made me hack a lung. Seriously that was fuking terrible.

    this is my signature. Right here.
  3. I do as well I've been doing it for a year and a half now. But never just tobacco.. Always a mixture of the finest herb I can get and a little black and mild or a little from a cig, mix it in the bowl and nuke that shit. It's a massive hit all at once and it's a quick and convenient way to get really stonedI still love my joints or blunts here and there but overall I still stick to the trusty G-Bong for a quick and easy high

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