When to flower to check gender and take clones??

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by scarby, Feb 26, 2012.

  1. Hi guys. Just wondering when I should switch to 12/12 and gender check so I can take clones. Currently I have a 3 plant setup in autopots and have just transplanted them from smaller pots. Currently around 3 weeks old, and 6" tall. Thanks.
  2. Ummm makes more sense to do clone first then flower.
    You don't want to put the plant into flower then force it back to veg
  3. Just been reading up on that and decided it was the best option. Just want to get a perpetual job going.
  4. Alot of people go into flower no taller than 18 inches. But it depends on the size of your space, because they will grow 2x-3x their size in flowering
  5. If you want perp harvests then make the plant u have now a mom.
    Take cuttings from her, root them, grow Em a little then flower the clones
  6. I assume by the OP you are using regular seeds? If so, I have read that you can clone the plants in question and once rooted, put the clone in flower while the "mother" is still vegging. That way you can determine sex without reverting without trying to flower the parent then reverting back. Just make sure the parent plant is large enough to take a sufficient cutting to clone.

  7. Thanks for that info. The space I'm currently using is a 6 x 2.5 x 7ft (L/W/H) custom built room, with a small wardrobe soon to be available for a mother & cuttings. I had 5 Jack Herer seeds that ALL germed, but only 3 seemed decent, the other 2 were pretty scrawny and pretty much dying so I got rid of them. The other 3 are now transplanted into 15L autopots. Will take all this advice onboard and get the wardrobe kitted out ready for some clones and a mother and probably take 3 off each one. The space in the room is pretty limited, so only want to harvest 3 plants everytime in a perp cycle.
  8. Hopefully I get at least 1 lady, who's taking a bet on all 3 being bitches? lol.

    I do want to maximise yield though, so I will be vegging for as long as possible. After a while may even try the scrog method.
  9. I'll bet they all girls
  10. I hope so!

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