Official League of Legends General

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by Vicious, Feb 23, 2012.

  1. I'm the only one ever in the Grasscity chat room. Come on blades, its a great way to meet up and duo queue or get a premade going

    Just go to your chat channel, hit the button with the + and a folder, it says join/start chat room. Type in Grasscity and hit enter

  2. I used to play league but I got dota 2 beta and haven't looked back. I recommend trying to get the beta its 10x better than league
  3. Add me on LoL : Methodious

    I'm not great yet but I'm not too shabby
  4. I haven't played with anyone since about page two, anyone up for some games tonight?
  5. I deleted my nice Crunchbang install off my hard drive today because I didn't have my other one to install windows 8 onto.But I do like LoL that much,it's in the middle of updating right now and I am tired of waiting.
  6. Hey new to gc. I play mostly assassin/bruiser.

    Lvl 30

    Hmu for some matches.
  7. Ive been on a kick recently, level 16......

    I main Draven, Yorick, Twitch, Nasus, Malzahar

    Trying to learn Kennen, Volibear
  8. hey guys , you should add me and my brother Both level 30

    Obeeyy(me) lvl 30 - main char- volibear
    Khi Thai Dau (bro) lvl 30 -main char- darius

    add us we love playing in premades all the times and are looking for a 3rd for 3s, also looking to start a 5s

    we have alot more chars but put our mains for this. Hope to splay with more grasscity people, i have a couple on and its always a blast playing with a fellow blade. Hope to see you guys on.
  9. If anyone wants a game I'm in. I only started playing a couple of days ago but I'm level 6 and getting pretty good.

    GoldenGinge is my name on there. EU WEST server but I can change.

    Also, how do you look at your friends list and accept friend requests?
  10. My username is jumperjonas, any one of you should hit me up for a game whenever you see me on. I just installed it and am about to hop in my first game. I've played heroes in warcraft 3, and some dota throughout my starcraft 2 career, so the principles of the game aren't lost to me.

    Hope to see some blades in game soon :smoke:
  11. Tag : iluvweed
    Level: 30
    Main: i can play any lane well except adc. Have many choices for each lane for counters.
  12. Tag- beef fly
    Level 27
    Top- nasus, fizz, trundle
    Mid-fizz, ziggs, lux
    Ad- no one
    Jungle- nunu, fiddlesticks, trundle
    Support- nunu, janna

    Main- fizz
  13. Tag : Depressive
    Level : 30
    Main : Akali (Mostly), Cait, Lux, Soraka
    I can basically play anything
  14. Tag: anderloy
    Main: Nasus, Wukong, Voli
    hmu for anything lol
  15. Add all these players and put them in a GC list. I'm always down for a pre-made match. Keep it cool kids. Better not be noobs tho.

    Tag: SilentShade2010
    Level: 30
    Main: Hecarim/Varus
    Subs: Darius/Nasus/Annie/Morde
  16. Tags: Remur, Firetiles
    I can play any role. Im on almost every night so hit me up for a game
  17. Mine is Ari Shaffir, still lvl 13. only playing bot games because i'm still trying to get better. Seyou guys around.
  18. My tag is Paper Monkeys.

    I roll with Riven or Ashe
  19. Does anyone watch the playoff streams?
  20. Nope, better things to do like play actual matches and increase elo :p

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