Official League of Legends General

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by Vicious, Feb 23, 2012.

  1. just grabbed fiora today. shes alright but shes squishy as hell
  2. YO Blades!

    MaoriChampion: Level 30 with 1000+wins
    Elo is only 1000 though (trying to improve *insert elo hell bs*)

    I pretty much play anything as I own all the Champs finally however I like to main ad carries I play a pretty solid Graves/Ashe

    Hit me up I would be keen to get a Grasscity Clan/Group going, even if we don't play ranked we can have our own dedicated clan channel and all that good shiz
  3. Take MR and armor rune's, and go 10 points in defense, 20 offense thats what I do

  4. when doing masteries you always wanna 21/9 or 9/21. it takes 21 points to be able to get the last spec in a mastery tree and if you're putting 20 points in a tree might as well put the extra 1 for the last spec which is usually pretty good. of course, depending on who you are playing but most champs would benefit from a full 21 point tree. food for thought

  5. Ive just been playing annie as of late. been enjoying 21/9/0 going rod of ages to thornmail to rabbadons
  6. IMO, thornmail is a pretty bad on annie unless you know you are getting focus by physical damage. as an ap nuke you need to maximize your damage while still keeping an efficient build that counters the team you are facing. spending a huge chunk of gold on an item that might not even be used to its fullest extent is pretty naive.

    if you are getting focused down by the physcal damage, though thornmail is obviously great.

  7. Yeah, I meant against AD heavy teams. Of course in the event they are ap I dont go thornmail. Thanks though
  8. Guess ill get in on this action, got two accounts - sneakabigtoke lvl 8 !! and hugelog lvl 30. add me and ill be down to play, usually with a couple other people but we usually got room :wave:

    got 1250 elo. feel like i could go higher tho just kinda stopped there. down to try out some ranked games if any of you 30s want to. i can play anything cept jungle is my weakness. hit me up and lets play blazed :smoke:
  9. IGN: Zonix Troll

    Lv. 30
    1300 elo
    About 750 normal wins I think

    I consider myself good at this game with areas too improve. Usually play carries, hate support like most lol

    I'm always looking for skilled players to duo with, if your above 1250 I'll play ranked with you. Can't smoke right now so I'm on a lot. See you blades on the fields of justice.
  10. Haven't been on much, I'll probably start playing again.
  11. Just started playing this game last night, bought Ashe with the free RP they give you for hitting level 3 and bought an IP boost.

    Once I'm comfortable enough with the game I'll post my IGN.

  12. ign sparta bot.

    i have vent and am decent
  13. Tag: Smalls420
    Level: 30

    Mostly play jungle, Warwick, Shyvana, Olaf, etc. Also play AP and AD. I also will tank from time to time. I suck at Support and usually don't play these champs.

    Feel free to add me. I'm down for a game anytime.

    Keep blazin.:smoke:
  14. Luelen
    Level 26
    I usually play Karthus. Also do Mordekaiser and Vladimir. I'm not on right now, but if anyone is up for a few games in 7 hours I'm totally gonna be on then.
  15. ive been on a rumble and anivia streak. both of them are fuckin op, and never get banned in low-elo ranked
  16. Sup blades, we should all hangout in the "Grasscity" chat room. If you are unsure how to get to it hit channels then the +channel button and type it in.

    That way we could all hang out
  17. Great idea.. I'm gonna be in "grasscity" chat room while im playin from now on
  18. hey blades didnt know this thread existed so here goes.
    just add me my mains : Gangplank,taric,warwick,malzahar. theres prob others but too fucked to remember. elo around 1080
  19. I play, but usually solo que, but that's not to say that I wouldn't play with some other blades.

    Ign same as gc username.
    Mains: anyone, preferably a jungler or a tank as of late.

    Approaching 1k wins! 21 more to go

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