How much hash / oil could i make from 20 grams?

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by CheechIsChong, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. My friend is doing a nice offer on 20 grams of dust (crumb)
    Apparently its all from nice cheese and white widow so it should make some nice hash :rolleyes:.
    Iv never made hash or oil though so I'm wondering would it be worth it depending how much i make .:bongin: Peace.
  2. give or take 2 grams depending on the dankery.
  3. for hash? damn thats not a lot, isit really worth it? there must be something i can do with so much crumb:confused:
  4. depends on what process you plan on making/extracting it
  5. Have no idea, never done it before
  6. Use maybe 5 grams and make some qwiso and see I'd you like it, and it's really the only thing to do with shake.
  7. Yeahh this looks like what im doing. Rolling my buds in it to dry sounds like to much :yummy:.
  8. if you make the butane hash youll get about a 10-15% return. Higher for more crystally buds.
  9. bho usually yields around 10%-15% by weight and in my opinion is the best product given the other options (qwiso, etc)

    edit: didn't read his ^ post. listen to us, bho is the way to go ;)
  10. Bho is the way. Don't like Qwiso.
  11. Both BHO and qwiso are good and have there place.

  12. Dankery has just been added to my vocabulary.
  13. If using high quality (20%thc) weed you could expect a 30-40% return. 20% being the thc and the rest being the terpenes and plant matter. This would give you a 50-75% thc concentrate. Further purging and such would result in lower quantity but higher quality. So with 7grams you would get 2-4 grams of hash.
  14. 40% hahaha^
    10% return would be 2g. 15% return would be 3g.. no one can tell you what it will yield, you just have to run it and find out. it always varies depending on strain/quality of the starting material
  15. If you sift the weed in a buddies box sifter after you grind it then it will be like 6-7gs cuz it's good weed and has a lot of keif on it
    If you sift the weed in a buddies box sifter after you grind it then it will be like 6-7gs cuz it's good weed and has a lot of keif on it
  16. Typically 10%-15% of the material used
  17. Buddy definitely threw out an uneducated guess lmfao.

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