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How To PASS Your Drug Test - 100% (Confirmed Working!)

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by 70r3o, Apr 22, 2012.

  1. Hello everyone!

    I've been struggling with passing my home/probation drug tests for months.

    I've finally came up with a solution. No matter what your height, smoking habits, or weight is, this method will guarantee a pass.

    1. Quit at least 6 Days Before Your Test (MOST IMPORTANT PART)
    2. Drink as much water as you can (Don't overdue it. 1 Bottle Per Day)
    3. Purchase a 12 Pack of 100% Arizona Green Tea (Drink 8 the night before your test, other 4 the day of your test)
    4. Two days before your test, do 1 session of cardio for 20 minutes straight each night before your test. Totaling 2 days (40 minutes) of cardio within 2 days. (The more you do, the better!)
    5. Go to a smoke shop, or order online the "Buzz, the Stinger 5x Strength" (THIS IS THE MAIN STEP IN PASSING YOUR DRUG TEST)

    Follow the directions on your Buzz The Stinger 5x Strength drink. It costs about $40 at the smoke shop (trust me, it's totally worth passing your test). What this drink does is *NOT MASK* but actually eliminates the THC metabolites in your urine tract for 6 hours.

    Good luck to everyone who uses this method, I'm 5'9", 175lbs. and this method has gave me a 100% success rate, TWICE. Good luck to everyone who uses this! This was completely written by me. Please post if this tutorial worked for you!!

  2. thanks im gonna try this. but it kinda sucks cause i dont get a days notice from my gma =/. dang it why wont she just look at the truth. but im gonna quit so she thinks i dont do it then move out in a few months and ill still be a part of my family and ill move out peacefully.

    edit: either gonna quit or find a way to pass the test while still toking.
  3. I have felonies on the line man. I know where you're coming from..

    The judge put me on 2 years of probation, if I do good then my felonies become misdemeanors. So I wouldn't dare fail. This method is amazing and worked for me twice.

    I promise it'll work for you.
  4. #5 JoePain25, Apr 22, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 22, 2012
    When he says one bottle of water, must mean a 2L.

    Not sure on this or that Buzz product, but as a side note, a fake dick with solution is an option too if needed.
  5. i'm so stupid i might just buy it
  6. Now I just have to figure out how to explain why I suddenly have a penis ;) :p
  7. Dumb.
    Working out for 40 hours the last 2 days before your test will flood your system with THC from your fatty tissues, unless I misread what you were saying.
    You have 10 posts and no rep, I think this is spam/advertisement for your/or a friend's product.
  8. Only time can truly rid your body of THC. Other products only mask it, but masking it can work for some tests, but if they sent it to a lab, they can still see what you used to mask the THC AND they'll see the thc. But that's an expensive process, most drug tests aren't that serious.

  9. HOLY FUCK, This is horrible advice. 1 12oz. can has 25grams of Sugar and the tallboy have 51grams. You're telling people to consume at least 300grams of sugar in 24hours which is about 1.6 cups of straight up sugar.
    Sure you might have got passed your drug test but now you're probably gonna end up with diabetes.
  10. So instead of quitting smoking all together youll chance failing one and having felonies on your record? Have fun getting employed.
  11. I usually do not "slam" GC folks who post up here with "advice on passing UA's" because I know we're all in the same boat and truly looking for useful information; however, I feel compelled to at MINIMUM point out the health hazards of the afore-cited advice proffered by "70 r 30".

    1) that is a LOT of sugar you're advising us to consume---it would surely put a severe strain on our liver and disrupt our normal healthy Insulin levels. This would cause "acute diabetes" in us people who are otherwise healthy. Thus, causing us to have high blood pressure and suppressed immune system--which would lead to us easily getting infections.

    2) you correctly--and astutely--indicated the need for exercise. This is a thing that I believe all of us already know and utilize. But it is just Dangerous advice to tell us to vigorusly exercise the day before the UA. That would simply flood our bloodstream and urine with THC metabolites. As, "bp4er" stated: that is bad advice and not supported by any science nor experience. Ideally, you ought to vigrousely aerobic exercise 10 consecutive days, piss a hella-lot, eat a lot and sh*t a hella-lot--to purge the THC metabolites via lipolysis then-- take OFF/do not exercise the day before the UA.

    3) the special drink you cited is from a headshop--and of course the counter clerk told you it would work--they have to make sale$. If I had $40 I'd rather get a 5g instead of sugar water.

    **Not trying to hate on you, but realize that folks here are serious bout pasisn their UAs
  12. Listen, the Buzz drink itself will help you pass your drug test. It has the ingredients needed to kill THC in the urine tract for 6 hours. Everything else is just there to MAKE SURE you pass. 100% Green Tea is an ANTI-OXIDENT and an amazing detoxifier.

    I would not post something that does not work. This worked for me twice, and both times, I smoked a retarded amount 6 days prior to my test. For a month I'd smoke about 2-3 times daily. Joints, bongs, ect..

    I promise you this method works.
  13. #14 FilthyDubz, Apr 23, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 23, 2012
    I believe that you believe that this brand named product is what helps, along with the other terms you're slinging around. You will not believe me, but for the benefit of others, I must say that what is making you pass is the water, which dilutes your urine, and the green tea's caffeine, which serves as a diuretic and makes you pee more (although if you consume a ton of water you're going to pee anyway). Green tea is good for you, but the things about it you stated happen to be irrelevant here. We are concerned with a single metabolite, for which so many false claims have been made over the years, that if someone claims they can remove/break down the metabolite from your body, it is not unreasonable to demand laboratory proof before believing it.

    You found a quitting time that works well for you, coupled with standard urine dilution. The several hours leading up to the test are the only time where it's important to be drinking a ton of water. Don't torture yourself in days prior, several glasses a day is normal and healthy. You can get a gallon container of water, pop a few sugar-free kool-aid packets in it for flavor, and down that sucker in an hour or two. I've swung less than 6 days and passed, with straight quitting + urine dilution by drinking water and nothing else, when I was a lighter smoker (several times a week). Don't make it more complicated than it really is. For your own sake and sanity, and for your wallet's!

  14. Buddy, Arizona "Green Tea" is not real Green Tea. It's fuckin' sugar water with Green Tea flavoring. Go to the store, buy REAL 100% Green Tea bags, and drink that.
  15. I quit a week 1/2 ago for an evaluation test. They do a UA screen. 3 days before I failed a home test.

    I did some research and came across an aspirin technique. Aspirin can have a tendency to throw off the cheap UA tests that you will probably get for a retail job, or a court ordered UA.

    You can google "Aspirin Drug test" and you will find 2 or 3 really solid Aspirin guidelines that include diluting your urine. You will most likely need to visit your local walgreens and purchase Vitamin B Complex.

    Any questions, feel free to PM me. Everyone's body works differently, but it's worth the try.

    PS: I passed my UA screen. (2-3 years chronic history - failed urine test 3 days prior. (this is NOT just taking an aspirin before your test. It includes heavy dilution & vitamins)
  16. [quote name='"kuahiwi"']

    HOLY FUCK, This is horrible advice. 1 12oz. can has 25grams of Sugar and the tallboy have 51grams. You're telling people to consume at least 300grams of sugar in 24hours which is about 1.6 cups of straight up sugar.
    Sure you might have got passed your drug test but now you're probably gonna end up with diabetes.[/quote]

    Completely agree , awful advice.
  17. That works, but I have passed from just buying a similar kit... no quitting for 6 days, no exercise...

    I once had a surprise drug test, and I had been smoking on an eigth for about a week (i was in high school) I had smoked almost every day and had smoked the night before.

    I heard something about vinegar helping and was so desperate, I went during lunch period to chug one half pint of apple cider vinegar from the grocery store. I puked it up about 5 minutes later.

    I have never been so sick and had my throat feel so shitty, but I passed my test, there were maybe 2 hours that passed before I took the drug test.

    I was young and stupid, and should have not been smoking in the first place, but while this method did work, and it a crucial test passing in my life, the following days of throat pain were NOT WORTH IT.
  18. Drug Tests, biggest bullshit ever.
  19. a product that kills something in my system (THC) doesn't sound very safe to me...

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