Secular fundamentalists are the new totalitarians

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by morphyx, Apr 16, 2008.

  1. Interesting article I ran across...

    "But what they are really against is something very different. They - call them secular fundamentalists - are anti-God, and what they really want is the eradication of religion, and all believers, from the face of the earth."

    "...lazy intellectuals have been allowed to get away with repeating the nonsense that terrorism and war are the consequences of belief in God. Believers are ridiculed for being, in contrast to the stupendously brainy atheists, very dim. Listen to Richard Dawkins' comment on Nadia Eweida (the BA employee who refused to take off her cross): "she had one of the most stupid faces I've ever seen." Nice."


    google "militant atheism"
  2. You know whats a funny article I ran across?

    Leviticus 20:13
    If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

    Why haven't you explained to this forum yet how god doesn't hate gays?
  3. don't feed the troll
  4. its ironic because you came to our forum, to spread your beliefs, but its really us whos trying to remove you and your ideals?


    is it because your beliefs have no backbone, that your religion is based on recruiting new followers?
    forgive me, because i forgot you are the oppressed one.
  5. ^^^^^
  6. Kinda humorous satire considering some of the posts here.

    From 2006....


    The Atheist Bully Lecture


    Your thread is in the religious section of a science forum.
    Therefore, atheist fanatics shall troll and attack it with the utmost discrimination and bigotry in our efforts to dismantle an intelligent community, and impose our own personal Atheist Dogma on other members of the intelligent community.
    From now on all members shall post discussions in the Religion section according to Atheist and only Atheist bigotted perspective. Anybody that does not do so will be subject to Atheist fanatical bigoted attacks.

    What is Atheist Dogma?
    Atheist Dogma is any improvable belief about religion and theism considered to be absolutely true. There are many specific principals of Atheist Dogma that Atheists fanatically impose on others. These are some of the principals.

    Atheists may abide by any combination of the following principals:
    1. The belief that all the bad things in the world are caused by religion.
    2. The belief that religion is a threat to mankind.
    3. The belief that people should not be free to practice their religious beliefs in public. (They should do it behind closed doors like sex.)
    4. Atheist Supremacy. The belief that Atheists are superior to theists in various aspects such as intellect, character, and respectability.
    5. Prejudice/Discrimination. Prejudging somebody based on the fact that they have a theistic belief. An Atheist might prefer to perform experiments with a chemist that is atheist over a chemist that is theist regardless of qualification. Such prejudice is a violation of law when hiring people for work.
    6. The belief that fanatically imposing your beliefs on others is rude and abominable.
    7. Bias. One who grants privileges to atheists, and singles out against theists.
    8. Watered down Atheism. (Beliefs in convoluted notions such as weak/strong atheism and lacks of belief.)
    9. Active desire to separate theism from science.
    10. Emotional animosity towards anything with religious connotation.
    11. Desire to eliminate religion from as many places as possible.
    12. Abuse. Abusive acts against theists in real life or online.
    13. The desire to bully others in the religion section of the science forum into discussing things according to their and only their perspective.

    The point is? It's not just this forum, my posts, or your questions. It's pretty standard fare among atheists now to bully, lie, make false statements, grandstand, call names, follow certain people from thread to thread, make demands, intimidate, etc.

    Scientologists are using the same tactics. I wonder if they lifted them from there?
  7. What's ironic is pseudo-intellectual atheists talking about free speech, tolerance, and diversity.
  8. Seriously dude, why are you here starting thread after thread?

    It's a little weird.
  9. Well, It's a discussion forum on the internet entitled Spirituality and Philosophy. I like to discuss both. I'm not off topic? There's lot's of discussion going on about God, religion, atheism, etc. In fact, the discussions go back over 300 pages. And I'm in none of them.

    I do understand there are folks who don't want me or my kind here. The truth of God's word is a threat to their lifestyle, beliefs, invisible bb followers. So they troll, attack, bully, belittle, demean, and try to intimidate people to leave, bend, or break.

    I'm just not the kind that gets rattled by that stuff.
  10. Man leave religion alone.. Let people do their things and how they want to do them.. If you have a problem with it then you shouldn't have a religion.. Religion caused too many wars and seems to get everyone all riled up.. Just leave it be..
  11. Whats gods view on weed morphyx?
  12. My sad, trolling little internet friend. Your are just as atheist as I am. The only difference? You don't believe in 1000 gods... I don't believe in 1001 gods.
  13. [​IMG]
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  14. Right on target, Mrblonde :cool:
    (Buddha, in fact, is not a god. It is a simple common misconception that he is, though.)
  15. Well you could look at it like this, if he left he wouldn't be giving his God 100% and every thing he was trying to convey would of been in vain.

    Really, It doesn't bother me that he is posting in this forum.

    What I'm really he planning to stay?

    If so it I guess it wouldn't hurt to have a different perspective.

    At the same time I haven't read all of his posts and don't know what he is bringing to the table!
  16. Good catch and point. I just grabbed the image from here - i remembered it when I read your post. :) It really puts it into perspective for me.
  17. read all of his posts.
  18. Morphyx, I fixed your post for you, do you see what an abomination you are?

    Not to mention, you still haven't explained to us how god doesn't hate gays.

    You've been so busy on our forums preaching to us about god's love, but as soon as I bring up the fact that god hates gays, you have become completely silent.

    Is the true nature of your lord, so abominable that you can't even discuss it with us?

    Morphyx you are a sad sad man, I'm sorry that you are too scared to confront your beliefs with us
  19. Are you so arrogant you do not see the contradictions?

    Also why did you even make this thread? It seems that you are crying from being 'bullied' on the internet.

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