white mold -how do I kill it? Neem not working

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by buzzingbee, Jan 14, 2009.

  1. I tried rejuvinating some plants, and all but the oldest plants got white mold. I pulled them from the room, but now some of my new plants have it. Also, my new seedlings in a different room are infected. Neem not doin the trick. Can I bleach them with diluted bleach and water?
  2. I have found that a hydrogen peroxide solution is effective on white mold. I use 1 tbsp of the drugstore type with one gallon of ph'd water and spray affected area. If problem is severe, there is an anti-fungal product called Serenade that works good.
  3. :smoking:What about Safer soap brand. Monsieur Chunk?
    I bought in a natural/organic store. Hope your grow goes on track.

    Did you toss the old soil?
  4. Thanks for the advice. I drink baking soda everynight, and then it hit me-if I change the PH on the leaves, then the mold will die. I mixed baking soda and water and sprayed. I need to wait until it dries, but it looks good so far. I lost about 20% of my crop, but not everything (so far).
  5. Trichy Tree, I need to throw the soil, you are right. I think that is where this started. I live in a place that gets cold in the winter, and all the nurseries close, so I am stuck with sh*t soil from Lowes. I should have cooked it, but I had so much transplanting to do, that I used it from the bag. Not too long later-fruit fly things everywhere, and mold. My compost dirt is frozen, so I was stuck. Next winter I will prepare better.
  6. I like Fox Farm Ocean forest soil. It's been kind to the plants and it came with good worms. :)
  7. Thanks, I will look for some on line.

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