little white bugs and black gnat looking bugs

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Igrowbudz420, Jun 25, 2007.

  1. alright i have noticed little white bugs in my soil and now after a few days ia m seeing black gnat looking things flying around how do i get rid of them and are they harmfult o me casue this is all in my room
  2. scrape off the top 2 " of soil.....water with neem oil (2 teaspoons per gallon) replace with fresh soil.........sprinkle garlic powder on the soil and yellow sticky straps on the soil....they will be gone with a week or 2

    they arent real damaging but bothersome
  3. alright thanks man
  4. What about if I grow with a clay pellet medium ima still put neem oil on but is there anything else i should do?

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