Clingy boyfriend! Please help.

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by Love2smokeee, Feb 14, 2011.

  1. So I love my boyfriend and I love to hang out with him but I think he's way too clingy. He texts me all the time! I found it so cute at first and now I just want a little space, because I'm scared I'll get tiered of it. When we hang out he kisses me every 30 seconds. Sometimes i just want to look at him without him leaning over to kiss me. I really don't know how to tell him to stop because I don't want to hurt his feelings. He's really nice and I don't want to break up I just want a little space! How do I tell him without hurting his feelings?
  2. Just tell him what you just said.
  3. I agree with the poster above. Just be completely honest with him, but reassure him that by "space" you don't want to break up.
  4. Tell him you love his cute tiny penis

  5. I would like to change my answer to this. Now that I've thought about it, I'm sure this is what you should say.
  6. Stop washing your lady parts. He'll keep his distance.
  7. stop messing with boys
  8. Have an onion and garlic sandwich right before he comes over.
  9. tell him theres a troll in your vagina:D
  10. Seems like he is acting like the one with the vagina. My solution, assume the dominant role, buy a strap on, and fuck the hell out of that boy

  11. Good advise...

    ...but this would be funny...;)
  12. ya start out positive talking about the things you like about him how much you care about him etc. and then tell him you think your relationship would be better for you both if you had some more space. You don't need to threaten him with the he needs to back off or he is gonna wreck everything speech yet
  13. Seconded. Most logical idea in this mad house of a thread.
  14. Be thankfull you have someone that cares about you this much.
  15. thats life !!!!!!
  16. if he is so into kissing and giving you affection

    show him the

    route to your vagina.

    tell him to not stop licking and eating till his tongue and jaw are about to fall off from lactic acid build up.

    lets see if the little fucker still feels upto kissing.

    tell the little fucker to start lifting weights and going on runs so hes 'tired' to lean in EVERY single 30 secs.

    step 2

    -get a leash for your BITCH
  17. your rude ^

    literally show him this post, then show him my post..
  18. Tell'em you found someone 2 talk to on GC:D
  19. The best thing you can do is be open and honest with your partner. Tell him exactly what you said in the first post, let him know that you are absolutely not trying to hurt his feelings but that you feel he's smothering you, and you need space - tell him you DO NOT want to break up, but that you just want to not feel like he needs you 24/7.

    But be open and honest - that's the important part.

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