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Sativa Vs. Indica

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by cannabiscool, Jul 6, 2006.

  1. what are your opinions?
  2. Unless you can get your hands on distinct Indica/Sativa strains its a moot point...


    Sativa- Sweet, fruity smell, very social energetic high

    Indica- Skunky, bitter smell, powerful stoned high

    Just my $0.02...
  3. i heard sativa is more prone to make you paranoid than indica.
  4. It's nice to have a some nice indica-heavy bud about an hour before going to bed. Mmm... sweet dreams.

    Also, yeah, I can definitely see how sativas increase paranoia. Sativa = mind high, whereas indica = apathetic couch lock.
  5. In my opinion, I am a sativa man. But the fact of the matter is, for health benefits indica will help in giving you a more body high which helps with chronic pain.. Mental/Brain problems is certainly a sativa's duty..

    I am plagued with anxiety on occasion.. And I am denied the use of marijuana this next year.. Basically the only thing that works since I refuse to go on ANY medication. I want my Sativas back.. :(
  6. yeah i am defanitly more of an indica guy. i like to sit and just zoneout and think to myself.
  7. what do you mean by you are denied the use?
  8. i love sativas because i like being up rather than down, however i think you get more burnt off of sativas
  9. yeah maybe soo.
  10. Courts, cops, probation and the fact that marijuana is severely criminalized.. And if I smoke it im going to jail for two years with a dirty piss test. :rolleyes:
  11. yea i like Sativas much more, helps me with my med problems. But I think I usually just gets mixes of the two, and hard to really know the genetics from my local club.
  12. i lke indica durring the day cause it leaves me stoned but clear headed and i can think. the couch lock aint no deal for me cause i just get up and ignore it. sativas are a good night time bud for me tho cause thats when i want my mind totally blown and just to relax.
  13. I am definately a indica man. I like the occasional sativa, but I seriously hate all that comes with the psychadelic high. High rate heart beat, paranoia, sometimes with some gooood ass bud. I get so high I feel like im tripping and sometimes have panic.
  14. I'm more down w/ sativa. Nothing like a nice, trippy, energetic, and even visual high from a strong, pure sativa.

    Of course Indicas are nice too.
  15. What about strains that are mixed indica and sativa? do u get a body and mental high?
  16. haha, i really wished we all lived in a world, where you could go up to you dealer and say "hey buddy, umm today im gonna go ahead and get a 1/4 of that 70% indica 30% sativa hybrid". but in reality, its more like" uh yeah i guess il take that dime of mids..."
  17. i LOVE sativas.
  18. That's because our dealers are complete fucking morons and dont even grow the weed theyre selling.. they buy wholesale from a dealer.

    Which proves my theory that growing your own weed is the best thing you can possibly do.
  19. hell yeah dude. and by the way. i like your photos.
  20. I enjoy indicas more :) if you dont mind me askign StonedSkunk why are you prescribed to medical marijuana?

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