Your definition/perspective of/on God

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by thesavagepony, Jul 3, 2011.

  1. So yeah, not that high yet, but 2 hours will take care of that. Anyways, when I think of god, I find it hard to relate to many of the christian descriptions of him/it/whatever. I mean, even if there is a higher being controlling things way up in the sky, what are the chances he even looks human? Why are we so special that we get a humanoid god that just so happens to look like a white man? Do elephants get their own god shepherding them around or are we the lucky ones? How is our perception of god anything but people trying to cope with the unknown and unexplainable; death and what happens after, how the universe started etc? I mean, back in the day there was a rain god, a sun god, maybe even a god of dank is some cultures. Throughout history the unexplainable has been explained by gods; rain was "magic." Now that we have some answers to these questions, a rain god seems silly to most people.

    So, whats your perception or conceptualization of god? What do you picture when you think of the word? Does it have a conscience? Motives? Is there one? If you're affiliated with a religion I'm not talking about that religions' notions on what a god is, but what is your personal definition and believes on what the term "God" means?
  2. Im considering becoming muslim and i look at allah not like a human person type thing cuz thats blasphemy. and it doesnt make sense. if i was to believe in a god, it would be an all encompassing being in this realm but also outside it. Conscioius, but doesnt really make descisions, meerly nudges things and permits them, like a membrane for the existance of things or actions. and i think god is inside of you, and if you reach that essense allah will guide you with it. but im atheist now so i have no god.
  3. #3 Verdurous, Jul 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    You sound way more agnostic than atheist. IMHO. I mean there are Christian prostitutes, so label yourself what you will.

  4. im an agnostic atheist. I wont assert there is no god but i dont believe in one. :)
  5. I'm gonna show you guys a big secret. This is what God looks like....

    See? And that is exactly how God appears in true form, though there are many emanations that take on an actual figure, but these are not God Himself.
  6. I don't believe in any gods of any religion

    but as of outside that the speculations are endless
  7. god is real, religion is fake
  8. #8 Verdurous, Jul 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    This. Pretty much, at least.
  9. There is only God.
    Meaning everything is God.
    You are God. We are all God meeting God.

    It's something you'll realize one day or when you die.
    We are all in a bubble of consciousness. We are all expressing the infinite.

    Each moment is the infinite meeting the infinite in the infinite.

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