what do atheists believe?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by jon2324, Apr 1, 2010.

  1. what do you atheist' believe happens to us when we die?
  2. simply put, you die ;)
  3. Go to heaven probably.
  4. do atheist believe in fate? or destiny?
  5. #5 junkyarddog, Apr 1, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 1, 2010
    im agnostic but i think that your mind and subconscious lives on and creates its own world that you believe to be real...either that or u just die :confused_2:

    as far as atheists, well they're not supposed to believe in afterlife

    nah yo...i think that fate implies a deity or an "architect" if you will
  6. do atheists believe in spirit then or soul?
  7. can u explain a tiny bit plz
  8. i dont think so...

    but i do
  9. "Atheists" don't all believe the same thing, but I certainly don't believe in 'spirit' or 'soul' in any sense which implies an existence or principle of existence distinct from natural physiological processes.
  10. #10 LiveFreely, Apr 1, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 1, 2010

    Hah....fate and destiny are the same thing son, and I believe in neither. Nor do I believe in luck or anything mystical such as karma. I believe in the logical sense of karma where you help someone and they help you back to return the favor....but I don't believe "mother earth" treats karma like her child, no, none of that shit.

    I believe in logic. I would like to think that we somehow live on after we die but I believe we only have one life and we are all demi-gods, so to speak, and I say this because we have the power to give and take life.

    I dont believe God exists, but I believe he is alive. He lives in everyone that believes.

    Again you ask an either or question where both options have the same general meaning. I believe in spirit/soul in the sense of will power and overall personality. For example, someone who is kind, respectful, and driven I would consider to have a good "heart" or soul if you will. Capish?
  11. im completely torn between religion and atheist cuz i believe there just has to be something greater out there ya know? but then i believe there are SOOO many religions that just dont make since to me if i think logically.
  12. atheist means that you completey deny any god(s) aka deities
    fate and destiny means everything is already determined
    somebody or something would of had to determine our fates in order for destiny to be true
    but since atheists do not believe in beings capable of this they cannot believe in fate/destiny
    then welcome to Agnosticism my friend :D
    edit: btw... Agnosticism is NOT a religion
  13. do you believe?
  14. I'm an atheist, and I like to think of more of a reincarnation type thing. But not any kind of dogma attached to it. You just wake up and you are something else. Looking out from behind a different set of eyes. Tabula rasa.

    I could be wrong, but so could everybody else that ever guessed what happens after you die. And any religion is just a guess... with a lot of Dogma and ritual attached to it. But there aren't really any credible accounts of someone that went over and came back. Every religionin the world and many cult leaders notwithstanding.

    And believing one thing or another can't possibly affect what does happen after you die. So what difference does thinking about it make? It's not like if you imagine you go to a Unicorn Ranch in the lost city of Atlantis will make it so.

    Whatever it is, it's gotta basically be the same place you were before you born, And that didn't even leave much of an impression on any of us. We never talk about it. Nobody ever asks "So where do you think you were before you were born." And we all made it past that... um... plane of existence???

    So if death is anything like that place, it certainly can't be too unpleasant.

  15. I already answered that question. Read my words more closely man Im not a shallow person.

    How old are you, I am curious?...... My turn for a question ;)
  16. :hello: thank you!!! why cant more ppl realize this?
  17. old enough.
    why? do i sound like a yungin?
  18. man lifes a huge fuckin mystery and i honestly cant wait to die so i can solve it...maybe thats why im not an atheist. yet.
  19. #19 LiveFreely, Apr 1, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 1, 2010

    I can answer that question for you.

    The people that do realize this aern't truly religious....and you certainly can't blame religious people for not thinking this way.

    I got some solid insight into the mindset of Christians in my Faith Seeking Understanding Theology class. Though I don't believe in anything I studied it really helped me understand the way they think....it would be against a true Christians beliefs to concieve that there was anything different then heaven or hell after death. If they believed that their soul simply died with their body then they wouldn't be Christian. Understand? This philosophy can be applied to any other religion that deals with an afterlife.

    Edit: You come off as very young in your understanding of things...like when you asked if athiests believed in fate or destiny which are clearly the same...and then you asked about spirit and soul which are again the same....

    Maybe you don't consider yourself athiest yet because the mainstream idea is religion and that is most accepted and you feel deep down you will be an outcast if you accept a minority belief. Keep your mind open to new ideas and live....thats all I can tell you in that respect.
  20. lol it was kinda rhetorical... im a former catholic

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