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"Special Brownies" Hashmouf Recipe Guide

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Hashmouf, Nov 19, 2008.

  1. After many requests for a brownie guide, I finally got the chance to put something together. I wanted to keep it simple so we will be using a box mix with some added ingredients.

    Lets review the ingredients needed

    1. 1 premium box of brownie mix, (since we are using boxed please use a quality brand.)


    2. 1/2 cup of Cannabutter


    3. 10 or more grams of shake, trim or buds


    4. 1/2 cup of whole milk


    5. 1 large egg


    6. 1 tablespoon All purpose flower


    7. 1 cup Doped Oatmeal cookie crumbs (completely optional)


    Now that we have our ingredients gathered our work are should look like so.....


    So now lets make some "Special Brownies"

    Step 1. With a blender or a herb grinder finely grind the weed to a powder like consistency



    Step 2. After the weed is ground up well add 1 table spoon of all purpose flower and mix well, then set aside for later




    Step 3. Melt 1/2 cup of cannabutter and our into a large mixing bowl, add egg and milk the stir until blended




    Step 4. Add weed flour mixture and brownie mix then lightly stir to combine




    Step 6. (Optional) Add 1 cup Doped Oatmeal cookie crumbs and gently stir just until blended



    Step 7. Grease a 10 x 12 pan with Cannabutter, the pour in the mix and spread evenly





    Step 8. Cover and place into refrigerator for 2-3 hours before baking ( this step is optional, but I prefer to allow the ingredients to blend and settle for better THC absorption and distribution)


    Step 9. Preheat oven to 375 degrees, and place brownies on middle rack. Bake for 45-50 minutes, remove and allow to cool for 30 minutes



    Step 10. After Brownies have cooled cut, serve and enjoy!!!!!



    And there we have it, simple but potent and delicious "Special Browines"! Now GO TRY SOME!!! :wave:

    • Like Like x 1
  2. Looks sick man. I have been waiting for someone to post a recipe on how to make brownies.
  3. Your amazing.
  4. Nice man,

    but im a little concerned about the lack of THC in this recipe

  5. Thanks Cali Oz's, Oh if you want I can add more!
  6. ship the new batch my way for testing, i believe you're onto something :eek:;)

    nice guides as always, and great pics for
    a cooking recipe hahaha :p

  7. I'm going to follow this exact recipe this weekend...and i gots a few ?'s

    Does it smell like weed or anything suspicious while its baking?
    I'm living with another party that doesnt support my marijuana consumption, so they can't really know, so how long should I air out the kitchen for if it does smell.
  8. damn bro you dont fuck around!!!!
  9. honestly bro ive read all your guides and see your posts and i think your one of the most knowledgeable person on this forum
  10. thanx HashMouf I've been askin you to do this recipe FOR MONTHS

    thanks man

    this is gonna be the first thread I've ever sticky'd

    ohh I almost for got +Rep
  11. You are a fucking genious my friend.
  12. I grabbed the Ghirardelli Double Chocolate brownies last time I made a batch, nice choice :hello:.

    +rep for a pretty good guide.
  13. fucking nice work with the guides!
  14. Damn, I use a little more than a g of mids per brownie in my batches and gets people fucked up for at least 5 hours. I can't even imagine how potent yours are.
  15. Hashmouf, if you ever start your own religion sign me up because you are a god!
  16. i am so totally making those, but probably minus the cannabutter (seems like too much effort to make)
  17. #17 specialk01510, Nov 19, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2008
    We are getting so many awesome hashmouf guides that we are gonna need a stickied hashmouf guide directory.
  18. Thanks Sems, yeah I defiantly believe in quality!
  19. You could sell a kind cookbook under an assumed name

    ever thought about it?
  20. yea dude...

    not only do they loook like they would fuck you up...

    but they look scrumptious..............

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