My friend is being a douche; he expects me to continue smoking him out

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by LovingTree, Nov 24, 2010.

  1. Hey guys... Well I used to have a good friend. He would always let me chill and was always really friendly. Recently, he has become more of a dick.

    Tonight, I asked him if I could chill, and he wouldn't let more than 2 people come over. :rolleyes:
    He then proceeded to ask if I was gonna smoke him out later tonight.

    Should I keep smoking him out?
  2. No. If hes being a dick, and I've never heard someone asking someone else if they are going to smoke the other person out later that night. If he smokes you out too though then yea thats kewl.
  3. lol no what
  4. And why should he let you bring anybody you want, to HIS house??:confused_2:
  5. nah just be like my bowl only has enough rotation for two other people and those spots are taken bro.
  6. How is that being a dick? Some people dont like a bunch of strange people around

  7. :eek::eek::eek::smoke::smoke::smoke:
  8. Yeah, whether he already had two people over or you wanted to bring two people, I can totally understand not wanting to have that many people over myself.

    I have a damned small apartment, and having anymore than 2 people over gets pretty crowded. :p

    Either way though, if someone actually had the nerve to ask me if I was going to smoke them out later, I'd be like "fuck off and get your own, buddy." :poke:

    If you don't want to call him out like that, just tell him you don't have any herb or something. :confused_2:
    Not that I condone lying to friends, but sometimes a little white lie is helpful in keeping the peace. :laughing:
  9. It IS his house...

    ask him if he got match?

    Does he ever smoke you out? If he does, then fuck'n return the favor.
  10. i actually don't mind smoking up my friends, no matter what. if i have a good amount of ganja, i have no problem packing the bong for my friends...

    we're all stoners after all :D
  11. I'm going to go even farther and assume it's not his friends house it's his friends parents house, which would be even more understandable.

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