whats the worst injury you have recived while high?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by bobtoke, Jul 11, 2005.

  1. ive never serosily injured myself only cuts and bruises

    i think it would suck to break a bone or sumtin

    any of that every happend to you?
  2. i stub my toes alot, cuz i dont pay attention
  3. i broke my arm in a walmart parkinglot fell out of the back of my freinds truck who was cool cause it wasn't my masturbating hand so it was all good
  4. when i was completely high on morphine and bud coming out of costco with my mom, i was picking something out of the shopping cart, and somehow cut my hand on the cart, but i didn't notice until my mom was screaming cause my hand was covered in blood and dripping everywhere

    the cut was ont he backhand of my right hand, about 2" long, and was pretty deep, i never knew a shopping cart could do such a thing

    she took me to the dr cause it was cut on metal, and then they stitched it up

    it kinda sucked, but i didn't feel it so i didn't care
  5. Nothing but falling and getting a few scrapes on the hands (when you land right on em. Ow.)
  6. I remember when I took like 7 or 8 valium I fell down my stairs. I didn't feel shit and all I worried about was if the joint in my pocket was broken.
  7. same here brotha
  8. We smoke a lot when we go snowboarding. I often get way more daring when I'm high, so I guess you can blame some of my injuries on the weed. Last time I could hardly turn my head to the right and move my right shoulder/upper arm. Hurt like hell, even when someone just brushed into it.
  9. during the summer i broke my ankle on a trampoline when i was really high
  10. I stub my toes a lot when im high on weed, but the second time i was shroomin i fell off of my best friends roof and i hit my back on a rake and had to stay in the hospital for 24 days and i had dislocated my middle vertabra and the doctor said i was lucky that i could still walk.
  11. I burned my fingers on a blunt once >_> just fucking round lol Nah I broke my leg throwing myself of a 3rd floor balcony onto 3 mattreses :(
  12. A really bad stomach ache from eating about half my body weight in candy. Once after popping some k-pins and smoking O and weed I decided it would be a good idea to put icy hot with menthol all over my dick and my ballsack. Lets just say a swollen purple set of genitals hurts a little even on all those drugs.
  13. I just burnt my middle finger quite badly...
  14. i ALWAYS dtub my toes soo badly it sucks, ive also got a permanet scar on my hand from a bowl that was incredibly hot, it fell on my wrist and burned almsot to the bone, that sucked..
  15. I burn my hands all the time, Ill empty cashed bowls by tapping it into the palm of my hand so the glass dosen't break, but when the bowls not really cashed and still cherried it hurts a little. I also burn myself bad doing drips of oil (I still have some marks from last weekend)
  16. probably the smiley face on my ankle
  17. Youch, this one hurt me bad- Posted on it a while back-

  18. I have Bic-thumb pretty much all the time haha. But I haven't sustained any real injuries while high...while drunk, well that's a different story, lol.
  19. i was smoking in a park with some friends, and my bestfriend thought it would be fun to play on the teter toter. well were both big people but shes just a little bigger then me. well she got me up in the air and wouldent let me down. then my other friend ben started to tickle me and i blacked out and woke up on the gound. and i dislocated my shoulder riding bmx one night after i got done smoking. that one really sucked but it went back in by its self, but i fucked up my rotater cuft.
  20. once when i was really high and drunk, we were all playing pool and i decided to put my face right by the center pocket. The ball went right in and I freaked and fell backwards and impaled my hand on a nail. It went right into my hand, hahahahahaha.

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