all my parents are worried about me when my life is going so well

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by SpiceMadeOfLife, Jul 30, 2010.

  1. My parents are worrying about me and how much weed I'm smoking, even though my life seems to be going pretty great right now. heres my current situation so you can see how I'm doing

    -I just got a new job at the local supermarket
    -Gonna be attending my third year of college in september, after getting my highest average ever last term
    -I already saved up a bit of money doing landscaping during the first couple months of summer.
    -I practice karate, and I'm going for my black belt in December, and right now I'm in my absolute prime, and even my dad can agree with that being my instructor. (in isolated situations, I'm superior to a few black belts in kumite)
    -Plus, I just cleaned out my entire room of all my old stuff and reorganized my furniture and shit.

    As for my actual smokage:smoking: I smoke every day; bout twice a day at least sometimes once a day. other times I'll smoke up to 4 or 5 bowls, but that's mostly when I'm just chillin with friends or whatever.

    Now I don't know about all of you, but to me, that's not alot. I know people who smoke way way more than I do, my dealer smokes constantly and shes getting a legit 4.0 in cosmetics.

    They basically gave me a straight up intervention and my Dad says that I should quit altogether. When he asked that I said "okay, but you should stop drinking as well. Who do you think can last longer?":cool:. My Mom says that I'm running away from my life, and my step mom (biological parents divorced, step mom married dad) even talked to me concerned that I might be addicted to it. I assured her it wasnt addicted but she's still not sure.

    I've educated my mom by having her watch the union and she herself has smoked weed in front of my in isolated family parties. My dad and step mom claim to have never touched the stuff.

    What do you think I should do? Personally I don't think I'm doing anything wrong and things are going great right now.
  2. Keep on smokin man.
  3. tell them to start worrying about you when there is actually something to worry about. you get good grades, you work, you stay out of trouble, why would they care what one of your hobbies is?
  4. That is kind of often, but as long as you're doing good I guess it's not a problem. But try to cut back or take a short T-break and see how it goes.
  5. Just keep throwing all those things you've accomplished their way a few times a day, while adding that cannabis has helped you achieve these things in whatever way you feel would make them feel better.

    If they want to believe propaganda lies when it's all there in front of them, feel free to embellish the truth, too... but also tell them that you understand they're doing it because they love you and are trying to look out for you.
  6. Yeah you're doing great I don't see why they worry at all..
  7. oh yea I've been telling them lol, and yes its very true that their doing this simply because they love me

    thanks guys for helpin out its nice to have a community like this I can ask about weed shit :cool:
  8. just prove them wrong like ur already doing and stay high with a successful future at the same time
  9. Tell them what you told us. You are obviously a kid with a good head on your shoulders so they really shouldn't have anything to worry about. If you were poppin beans or snortin rails then that calls for an intervention, but smoking a few bowls here and there, sorry my friend but its perfectly fine in your siuation. In fact its the little pleasure u do get from your busy schedule right? If they insist on you quitting maybe prove a point? Like slack off a bit more to show them that it actually helps you... maybe not the best idea but hey why not? GL my fellow canucker:hello:

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