Is there something wrong with me mentally?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by DB KUSH, Dec 5, 2009.

  1. I have always been like this I don't know why I always feel like this but I know it's not right...atleast it doesn't feel right but I can't help it.


    Now I know everyone has something they "hate" but this doesn't seem normal.

    I can meet someone new and at first they are awesome and I love hanging out with them but a month or two later I hate them. I have no reason to but I can't help it. ( I guess it's not so much as I hate them but I just get annoyed by them ) They don't even do anything to make them annoying, usually. There is just something about them that bugs me,

    Secondly, I don't like to talk to ANYONE. I prefer thinking to myself. For example: I'd be fine just sitting down in a smoking sesh and listening to the other person talk, but I DO NOT want to say anything in response. I feel as if I have to force myself to speak.

    Third of all, I don't want to hurt someone. Another example: about a year and a half ago my friends and I all went to our high school's football game. We're all good and high as a kite. Well, this guy ( who I knew from the school we were playing because I use to go to that school ) walks up and starts talking shit. I try to talk to him in a calm voice ( I wasnt trying to convice him I didn't want to fight I was just talking shit back really calmy ) well, one of my friends comes up behind me and says something so I turn my head ( always a mistake ) and he sucker punches me. Well, this gets me fucking mad so I tackle the guy and have him on the ground, I raise my fist about to wail on him but I can't bring myself to hit him. I just can't. I want to but I can't.

    And finally, I always feel as if people think I'm stupid. I always feel like they will talk behind my back ( even my childhood friend of 11 years but I know he doesn't/ wouldn't ) and I always feel like my parents are ashamed of me. I can't explain why but I just always feel out of place but I love them very much.

    I am very sorry for the long reads but I need answers. Does it seem like something is wrong with me? Thank you kindly for all of your answers.
  2. i know what you're saying, mary jane is the only person i can deal with. Everyone enjoys her company though. i think you should just see mary jane only.
  3. it sounds like u MAY have low self-esteem. I can relate to some of the stuff like not feeling like talking, thinking people talk behind your back. Just relax. U have to realize something in life are who you are.Take a step back from everything in your life and just understand that it doesn't matter what other people think about you and all that. You do what you want to do. Be yourself, if people don't like it fuck em, u don't need them. Also try not being so judgmental and critical of people. Everybody has quirks and what not, don't let it bother you.
  4. Umm probably not mentally,I know stranger people believe me.

    Hey how'd it go with your step-sis :D
  5. With the right amount of mushrooms you can figure out why you feel the way you do and probably stop hating people, or you might find a good reason to hate people at least.
  6. I hate people too, and cockblockers. Yeah.
  7. I don't hate people, just the things they do.
  8. abluntaday your the reason people think pot is bad. everyone stereotypes user of the herb as people who are obsessed and just wanna sit around and smoke pot. if anything this guys should STOP smoking weed if he feels he has mental issues.
  9. sounds like you have some self confidence issues or somethin idk.
  10. i come on this site stoned...dont expect me to be serious on here all the time
  11. I love people, just when there not around.

    Not my feelings but a good saying
  12. fixed

    In all seriousness you don't need drugs to figure out your problems, salvation comes from within my friend.

    It's very easy to back yourself into a corner, you just have to shrug off these thoughts as bullshit and you'll think about it less and less.

    Life is just a mind game mang.
  13. I honestly feel the EXACT same as you. It's nice to know I'm not alone in this..
  14. I feel exactly the same as you...
  15. you need some lovin in your life my good friend. Roll your head off and have a good time, youll meet someone =D
  16. Im the same, i have low confidence and never go out much.

    Im a bit of a kermit.
  17. Fuck it, do what you want and act how you want man.

    The World is yours, TAKE IT.
  18. yeah i can relate to the whole hating people thing, like some people just get on my nerves really easy, and i wanna punch em in the face. oh yeah im also a bit of a recluse, like i dont go out much and pretty much stay at home all the time, but thats just me i dont think theres anything wrong with it.
  19. I feel exactly the same OP

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