just FYI wal-mart will give you a job if you drop +++ for weed

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Floyd Pepper, Jul 24, 2012.

  1. i'd heard this from friends before, people saying theyd smoked the day before their test and gotten cleared for a wal-mart job. anyways i was needing a second job myself so i applied at the ole wally world job. Got an interview like a couple days after applying and was informed id have to go the lab and drop the next day. i figured i'm gonna fail for sure but what the hell might as well try.

    Due to financial reasons (i did mention needing a second job) as well as having more important grownup stuff to deal with, i hadn't smoked for 5 days, but in general i am a daily smoker, so there should've been no reason i would get cleared. Friends had told me that walluh wurrrllld only looks for harder shit such as the obvious drugs that we all know exactly what i'm talking about but can't type on here. I figured that was bullshit.

    But whaddya know they called me today and told me i passed and ive got my orientation on saturday.

    So blades, if you need a job that's always hiring and don't plan to stop toking, the wal-mart is for you.

    And with that i'll leave you with a video from the undisputed greatest rapper of all time. The subject seemed appropriate.

  2. thank you so much for this dude, Before reading this i was reluctant to apply to wal mart cause id hate to get an interview and not be able to go cause i KNOW im gonna piss dirty.

    I only smoke on friday night, saturday and sunday and do cardio/shit that makes me sweat all week in Hope of being 'somewhat' clean. So i shall apply at wal mart and report back results =D
  3. Hmmm...that explains why I see what I see at Wal*Mart sometimes. 18 cash registers, and only one cashier running one. Why? Because the other cashiers are in the back getting high.

  4. They offered me to start at 8.50 an hour, probably because i make around 18 at my other job. Like i said its a second job i'm just looking for a few hundred bucks the week in between my big check so even if im broke its only a few days till breathing room at all times. I'm pretty good at saving money though it'll probably be like oh ive already paid bills and have food to eat and im getting 300 bucks tomorrow. Guess i can indulge in soem herb.
  5. 8.50 :O McDonalds paid me that when I was 15.

    America's pay rate is terrible.
  6. just starting, its pretty mindless easy work that doesnt really deserve much more than that honestly. i've already got a full time job, i wasnt looking for a career with this, just some extra cash the week between my main check.
  7. Could also be that cedar rapids is the most boring town in the usa that has 100k plus residents, and all we do here is take drugs. So nobody would be able to work there if they didnt overlook pot.
  8. #10 ColdToker420, Jul 25, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2012
    You cant be serious OP. You got cleared? Tsch. That bums me out -____- Cuz a walmart manager called me recently outta nowhere in the middle of my job hunt(which was going nowhere despite my best efforts) and sounded really enthusiastic about wanting to see me for an interview. Im not a daily smoker but i smoke like 3 or 4 days outta the week so in my mind I'm thinkin "this is a lost cause, I already know they do pre-empolyment drug screening.") So I called em up and had to cancel.

    I wouldve loved to have worked at wally world. Mindless repetitive tasks are what I do best. And I dont need much just some cash in my pocket so min. wage is fine with me. Gotta start somewhere.

    Anyway, I guess its not all bummer. Because of your thread I know more now than i did then,right? :confused_2:So I guess its back to the hiring center. Still though, what the hell?

    Also nice touch with the vid. The "She bine boy shauce!" always kills me
  9. You must have just not had enough in your system cause they didn't hire me cause I dropped dirty and I have friends that work their that got tested for weed
  10. Probably just the manager's personal decision no?
  11. You were lucky, I'm gettin 7.25 an hour working at a grocery store.

  12. Call back say you were had to move out of town but things changed.
  13. Good idea. Im sure theyve heard worse lies.
  14. Too bad walmart fucks you up the ass..

    fuck walmart,

    but i'm happy you got a second job OP:D. Congratulations.
  15. my walmart has a sighn that says if you can't pass a drug test then don't waste your time or some shit like that

  16. you just got lucky...congrats.
  17. lol this song.

    also good to know wally's world doesnt check for bud, i kind of wanted to work there. seemed mad easy. if i ever get fired from cold stone, ill check it out lol
  18. got a job there about 2 weeks ago. Smoked 6 days before my drug screen.

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