USA: U.S. declares war on Canadians

Discussion in 'Politics' started by oltex, Jan 21, 2012.

  1. USA: U.S. declares war on Canadians
    DrugWarRant / Pete Guither / 1,20,2012

    White House, today
    Today, Gil Kerlikowske, Director of National Drug Control Policy, released the Obama Administration's first-ever National Northern Border Counternarcotics Strategy. The Strategy outlines new actions that seek to reduce the two-way flow of illicit drugs between the United States and Canada [...]

    “Disrupting the flow of illegal drugs across our borders is critical to our nation's safety and security,” said Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano. [...]

    Some key strategic objectives outlined in the Strategy include: [...]

    • Increasing the amount seized of illicit narcotics and drug proceeds crossing the Northern border by bolstering security at and between ports of entry.
    • Enhancing air and maritime domain awareness and response capabilities along the Northern Border.
    • Developing resources and providing training opportunities to tribal law enforcement agencies.
    • Targeting the financial infrastructure of Transnational Criminal Organizations.
    Of course, just like with Mexico, this is being done with the full cooperation of the Canadian government. I'm sure the families of the 50,000 dead Mexicans will be happy to reassure Canadians that they have nothing to worry about.

    Will Canadian growers be infiltrating northern Nat'l forests[​IMG] with grow teams and what will this do to daily commuters for legitimate commerce?
  2. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Your border guards will never stop the Canadian terrorists:metal::metal::metal:
  3. This is no good at all,why does the US government have to own and control everything?They are like a big bully that everyone is to scared to stand up to,until one day a few countries get together and knock us upside the head with missiles.
  4. This is great news for us CA growers. We don't have to compete with beasters from up north. Just joking, damn Gov. I bet they just want to confiscate all the money.:mad:
  5. And the empire chugs along while most Americans have no clue about any of this at all.
  6. We also won't allow the oil pipeline. Our government would rather have middle eastern oil over our friendly neighbors to the north.

  7. Can you blame us?

  8. Waiting for the bids to build a wall from Vancouver to Portland,,shouldn't cost too much and we do need jobs.
  9. How many guns has the ATF been selling to the Canadian sex slave trade cartels? We should be worried! We all know thats what this is all about...Canada lures our yongens over the border and drugsem with that maryjawanna then sells them to whore houses in New Zealand..and them there cartels don't wanna give up that cash cow..:eek:

    Besides, when it comes to raping and abusing it's citizens, DC doesn't like competition...:devious:
  10. "critical to our nation’s safety and security"

    fuckin facepalm so hard
  11. [​IMG]
  12. It's about time we stopped those damn Canadians from smuggling their addictive bacon and maple syrup across our border. It's destroying America's youth.

  13. I wish Seal Team 6 would bust into his compound. But spare Selena Gomez, I'll take her to gitmo and get her to talk.
  14. Our loss, China's gain


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