is a minimum wage worth it?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by MrRaider, Oct 11, 2011.

  1. what if everybody that was unemployed at this time was working at say 2.00-6.00$ a hr? everybody just looks at the dollars being paid but not the other side of the equation. most would say that you cannot live at those wages but what they fail to realize is that those people are creating more stuff for us all to buy at cheaper prices. it's not how much you earn but what you can buy. parts of the bay bridge here in california are being built in china and being shipped all the way here for cheaper then we can produce it ourselves. ask yourself why this is ? now I know it would be hard to abolish the minimum wage with our current monetary policies in fiat currency and fractional reserve banking but it must be done. we sell china our scrap metals so they can build them into ipods , cell phones , computers , bridges and then they sell them back to us. here in the usa wages are too high production is too low savings are too low interest rates are too low prices are too high the whole economy is flipped on its head. money needs to be sound so people can save. regulations need to be dropped so people can produce. and wages need to be lowered so people can hire. then prices will drop hand more and more people will be able to afford more stuff.
  2. fuck a job.
  3. Lol yeah its way better to have the state take care of you?
  4. The state should not be involved in the economy. Minimum wage laws shouldn't exist.
  5. There are plenty of illegals working less then minimum wage, without a minimum wage perhaps U.S. citizens could compete against illegals for these jobs.

    Oh wait, Americans have an ego complex and consider it insulting to make the same amount of money as illegals.
  6. Simple economics. If a grocery store has to pay above market price for someone to package fruit, they will hire less people to package fruit. Meanwhile, there may be plenty of people willing to package fruit for 30, 40, even 50 percent less pay, meaning that the store could be hiring more workers to get the job done.

    So what happens? Less people are employed and the grocery store loses efficiency.

    If the job doesn't pay enough, you don't have to take it.
    Leave those kinds of decisions up to the people who have to make them, not the government.
  7. Isn't it better to be making some money rather than none?

    Let the States decide whether they want a law like this or not. We will learn one way or another.
  8. A lot of people are quite boisterous about minimum wage laws without actually knowing the implications of them.

    “It is no crime to be ignorant of economics, which is, after all, a specialized discipline and one that most people consider to be a ‘dismal science.' But it is totally irresponsible to have a loud and vociferous opinion on economic subjects while remaining in this state of ignorance.” - Murray Rothbard

    Occupied by Government - Rod Rojas - Mises Daily

  9. the minimum wage has been disproved here and in many other places many times.

    It diminishes jobs, contributes to companies moving over seas and is bigoted against workers who are unable to provide that level of work.
  10. Minimum wage should be a state to state matter. I can understand a state wanting to implement minimum wages.. but the federal government? No thanks
  11. Hah, you can't get rid of minimum wage w/o completely changing the structure and composition of our economy as is. There are alternatives to securing an exchange rate that allows us to be more competitive with China and the Yuan. I'm telling you now, though, that (sterilized) intervention(like what the US is currently practicing) is not the way and neither is this. Unless we revamp and reshape the whole economic system in place, we need the minimum wage.
  12. you are in favor of slave labor hidden as extremely low wage jobs...

    China can sell those parts for pennies on the dollar because they don't pay shit for wages and NO BENEFITS like healthcare/safety/retirement, and the entirety of profits/rewards, stay with those we equate to CEO/board members/congress/senate/potus...those that do the actual work are ignored and oppressed to stay silent (oppressed with a bullet to the head)...

    If you are so in favor of such, then gtfo of the USA and go take up expat residence in China...China loves people like you and will set you up in a comfy cottage, ensure you are happy (or forced to say so) so you can be a propaganda tool...:mad:

    Instead of screwing the workers/producers, why not remove the greedy assholes that causes the parts being produced here to be expensive...remove the extreme difference in pay and those parts would be the same cost here...i.e... it isn't the moderate pay of the workers, it's the extreme pay of the executives and owners that refuse to take a pay cut because a few million a month is not enough to live on...(when they could live well off a million a year...)

    You sound like the mouthpiece of someone telling the workers to 'eat cake' and be happy with it...meh..:rolleyes:
  13. Actually, there are illegals in my family and in every house around mine. While it's correct that some illegals do work minimum wage, the majority here that do the work no one else wants to do, cheat on their taxes every single year, not even kidding. I've seen people get back 7 thousand dollars by claiming all of their nephews and neices as their own or being in their household. Those same kids are also being claimed by others. You'd think someone would figure out the fraud because social security numbers are involved, but most of the people I know who get good jobs and are illegal, use fake social security cards anyways. There's a lot that isn't considered when thinking that they don't play the system.

    If you go to the welfare office here, you'll see sixty year old hispanic women who are still having kids, because they are getting new benefits with the new child. You'll also see the same people getting welfare and working minimum wage driving hummers around. Ive interviewed countless illegals over the years about their behavior and they don't see it as a crime, but justify it by saying that our govt is corrupt, so they are playing in an already corrupt system. I knew a woman who was getting welfare, working under the table, claiming other people's kids on taxes and getting school grants by using different social security numbers or just lying and fudging documents. There is a lot of fraud going on but people justify it as "just doing what they have to to get by." I understand it, but it's something to consider when speaking about many illegal immigrants and minimum wage because their wage is usually not their only income.
  14. Cball-Instead of screwing the workers/producers, why not remove the greedy assholes that causes the parts being produced here to be expensive...remove the extreme difference in pay and those parts would be the same cost here...i.e... it isn't the moderate pay of the workers, it's the extreme pay of the executives and owners that refuse to take a pay cut because a few million a month is not enough to live on...(when they could live well off a million a year...[/QUOTE]

    Lol ok... so parts are expensive because executives and owners refuse to take pay cuts? you can't be serious? All owners and most executives are paid by profit while the workers are paid for their labor.the owner of a business does not set the price that he wants its determined by cost of production and demand for that product. your lack of understanding in business disappoints me. you have been hanging around these forums way too long to believe that junk. Maybe try running a business. I own one that employees 4(heavy equipment). I am partners of another that employees 23(mmj club). And am part owner of a family corporation that employees upwards of 80 during peak season(hotel ,restaurant,senior un assisted living, steam train).all of our employees are paid at least 9 dollars a hr except servers cuz that's the law here in California. I fire people like you to hire people like the Chinese.
  15. how do you support yourself financially then?

  16. The reason we can't produce things competitively in America is mainly due to excessive regulations, minimum wage laws are one of those regulations, but there are many that aren't related directly to wages. That's also why many companies move divisions overseas to places like China. One of the main factors is simply a better regulatory environment.

    Kent is the CEO of Coca cola. Coke, and other companies, doesn't set up shop in China in order to run sweat shops, they do it because the taxation and regulation make it much cheaper to set up shop and do business, even totally disregarding wage differences. Businesses ran in more favorable countries can actually pay their employees more than their American counter parts, and would still save a lot of money overall in regulation and taxation. It makes total sense for companies to move overseas.

    When businesses move to China in order to be in a more free market, Americans should take that as a major warning sign. The great land of the free doesn't have as free a market as big bad communist China? The truth is that freedom in America is exaggerated and illusory.
  17. #17 Lenny., Oct 12, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2011
    Our jobs are get outsourced because corporations can spend less money (more profit) paying people in foreign countries such as China do to the work for endless hours, low wages, and no benefits. What would make people think that a corporation wouldn't do that if there weren't laws protecting the workers? It's not like they did during the early 1900's where you worked for a few modern-day dollars per hour for 12 hours a day with no benefits or protections. And if you didn't like it you could leave sure, but where to? A mogul like John D Rockefeller would own everything in the area and have all the power. When people say that corporations take their business elsewhere because of American regulations, I don't necessarily deny that. Because of wage laws and anti-monopoly laws that we have here, that's why they leave, because of laws that hinder their ability to make maximum profits.

    The economy is bad right now, but does that have to do with minimum wage laws? No. I'm not saying that the federal government does everything right, but I am saying that our situation would be a lot better if our money went to better things. Instead of fighting multiple wars overseas that we can't afford and that cost billions per month to maintain, we should invest our money in new technologies and our own people in our own country. That way more people can get back to work that way.

    I hate when people say stuff like "oh you just rely on the government to protect you so you can make a decent living". Minimum wage isn't really a decent living. It's pretty much a step above slave labor, working from paycheck to paycheck so you can eat every night. It's a step above what it would be like with no wage laws. I look out for the best interests of the worker, not the corporation.

  18. You are riding on the success of other family members, you were handed a position in a family corp...sorry if I ignore the rest, as explaining anything is pointless to such as have no idea how to start up with nothing and making yourself a success.:rolleyes:
  19. I love how it's perfectly acceptable to propose reducing the wages of the poorest of the poor in this country, but god fucking forbid someone suggest that a millionaire pay an extra 2% in taxes.

  20. how do you know he didnt start the family business with others? He said he owns his own, and thats part of another job he has....I work with my family , didnt get handed shit. We started it at the same time , together. Would we all be riding on the success of each other?

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