Why I Cannot Vote For Barack Obama

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ElectedKing, Apr 15, 2011.

  1. 1. He's not a good or reliable Leader

    Its become painfully obvious that Obama's leadership abilities are pretty turrible. He flip flops more then a Flapjack, and his apparent failure to get any of his goals done is apparent. He doesn't instill very much confidence, and always seems to blame other people for his problems. Now I know he came into a bad situation, but already he's stopped focusing on being the President and is trying to appeal to both sides to get as many votes as he can to seem "neutral" enough for the independents to vote for him in the next election. But that isn't working either, and has just made things worse with this whole Budget nonsense. I thought that he would at least be able to give good speeches, but it seems that hope was dashed too.

    2. Spend, Spend, Spend, Spend, Spend

    What do you know? A president that told us he's cut the deficit once elected did not, in fact it increased, what a surprise. Yes in between the spending bill and healthcare, and whatever else they can pack into those bills its no wonder we're at the horrible situation we're in. So to counteract this lets just raise taxes, print more money and Borrow from China! Brilliant! We can't cut anything oh no, that won't solve anything at all.

    3. Last but not least he's too Bushy

    Obama is basically Bush 2.0, the similarities are strikingly similar. He's continued the wars(Even making another one, for the exact same reasons), he's kept Guantanamo open, he's continued the Drone attacks(Actually increased them, though I think Bush only got to play with that new toy for a limited amount of time), continued to taking away our personal liberties going against the Constitution, expanding Executive Power, is a Corporatist, lies on top of more lies, continuation of the expansion of Government, continuation of the welfare state, Corruption, Out-of-Control Spending, faith-based initiatives, Hypocrisy, CIA Renditions, Interventionism and Fear Mongering. Yeah I think that covered just about everything, probably missing something but oh well. All that has Changed is now, my Hope is elsewhere.

    On top of all that I just don't like him on a personal level anymore. I wonder if the novelty of a Black President has worn off yet? Lets just hope to God that we can actually get somebody new in there. Ron Paul anyone?

  2. [​IMG]

    ....that said, I dunno if all that shit is directly obama's fault. I'm holding out judgement till the end of his term, whether in 2012 or '16. I also don't believe there's any reason to believe Ron Paul isn't just another lying politician. He certainly has a lot of people excited about being voted in to a position that tends to be owned by special interests. Again, time will tell all.
  3. #3 NasaJoe, Apr 15, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2011
    Its gonna get pretty steamy in here...

    Seriously though, I didnt agree with alot of how he went about doing the things he did.. but one of the things that turned me off the most was


    also why did you capitalize flapjack?
  4. I don't understand how any of that isn't his fault but okay. Well okay, maybe he can't control the bad leader part, I mean that's just a natural-genetic thing, but the rest he has full control of and can stop if he wants too. His administration the head of the snake, and he controls its movements. He didn't have to sign a Spending bill, and he didn't have to sign Healthcare, and well he didn't have to do a lot of the things he's done.

    Ron Paul has never wavered in his beliefs for 30+ years, and isn't Corporate backed. But lets just throw out the past in this whole equation because you know, fuck logic. Why does the media hate on him so much? Both sides of the spectrum either just ignore him or discredit damn near every chance they get and he is a solid Contender for the Presidency. It astounds me, I've never seen them act that way about a politician before, that makes me trust him a bit more then I would any other politician. But maybe its all one big conspiracy to get him elected instead, and if that's true we're boned anyway. America will fall into some Societal Collapse or something.
  5. More bitching about a president that inherited the largest federal debt in U.S. history and a 3 trillion dollar war. More bitching about a president, whom from the start, has had his hands tied by the opposing party. Not because his policies were porous, but because politically affiliation reigns supreme. In other words, you don't fuck with the Republicans and their special interest groups.

    More bitching about a president who actually attempted medical care reform. Something desperately needed, and a common goal amongst presidents for the last 70 or so years.

    More bitching about his spending, despite the fact that centuries of established economic principle has taught us that they only and most effective way to stimulate an economy in a recessionary period is to increase government spending.

    Bitching about his leadership as if he's actually the leader of this country. Newsflash, he isn't. No president is. He's a figurehead. Power lies at the feet of congress, banks, and big business.

    Moreover, he's nothing like Bush. He's attempted to aid the common man. From protecting student loans to prohibiting proprietary trading. He's tried to cut the cost of medicine. He gave us the stimulus package. Which, by all accounts, worked. He's created more jobs in the private sector in 3 years than Bush did in 8. He's tried to gimp big tobacco, attempted to reduce the amount of nuclear arms, increased the average fuel economy standards by 8 gallons. The list goes on. In fact, it's pretty damn extensive. But you don't hear about this stuff when you click on the news. It doesn't fit the obvious bullshit media agenda.
  6. and added more debt, and another war on top of the ones that he "inherited"

  7. How can obama have done all that amazing shit if he is just a figure head like you said. How can he be better then bush if they both have no power? Newsflash me that one. .
  8. #8 Norma Stits, Apr 15, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2011
    he hasn't done any of that..

    if you noticed his post it says he's "attempted" and "tried" to do things..

    which is a big difference than actually doing them..

    too bad he hasn't "attempted" or "tried" to end these fucking wars..

    we still have 47,000 troops in Iraq.. i thought we we're getting out of there when we elected the president of peace..
  9. well he said the iraq combat mission was over, but oh btw were keeping 47k troops there, and sending in more private contractors.
  10. Recessionary period = Increase of government spending, decrease taxes.

    Inflationary period = Decrease of government spending, increase taxes.

    How the hell do you expect the debt to decrease when we're attempting to stimulate the economy?
  11. gee i donno..

    maybe stop sending troops to attack other countries, would be a good start?

    but i guess all of these neo-con presidents can't help themselves.. they love war.
  12. Don't get me wrong. Presidents have power. Just not power enough to wave a wand and make what's wrong right. Completely fix a country in 4 years time while battling and competing with the interest of those who're supposed to be helping them.

    For example, a president may want to get something done in regards to healthcare. Doesn't mean he can do so.
  13. a president does have the power to wave a wand and end wars whenever he wants..
    which will go a long way towards fixing the country.

    wasn't part of his campaign based on ending the Iraq war? That horrible war that Bush started, and everyone was against?
  14. When's the last time America DIDN'T have troops on foreign soil in some sort of ground operations? I'll wait. I'll also wait for you to name and vilify every president from then till now, and explain how the economy operated at equilibrium and or boomed, during these operations?
  15. what does this have to do with sending even more troops into Afghanistan, and starting yet another conflict in Libya?

    Because the other guys did it, it makes it ok?

    i thought democrats were anti war??
  16. If you thought we were just going to up and leave Iraq upon Obama being elected, you're naive. Furthermore, if you're under the impression that things would have been different if the alternative were elected, you're delusional. If you're holding out hope that a president will be elected and will cease all operations in foreign countries, it's best you leave America. Because it isn't happening.

    I don't agree with us being Iraq. Didn't then, I don't now. But I was wise enough to know that the handing off of batons wasn't going to cease the operations. I'm also wise enough to know that I'll disagree with my president in some aspects, but I don't allow those secular disagreements to blind me from the bigger picture.
  17. Everything. America will always, in some manner, protect its interest. I don't always agree with it, but it's something I've learned to live with. That'll remain a constant regardless of whose president.

    Furthermore, I have no quarrels with the intervention in Libya. I'm a citizen of the earth, and I believe in protecting the innocent.
  18. of course you don't...

    If bush started this "protecting of the innocent" you'd be calling for his impeachment
  19. Except Bush wasn't protecting the innocent. He was lying to veil conquest. Therefore, your point is invalid.

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