Afghan Violence Spreads Over Terry Jones' Quran Burning

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Phamas, Apr 2, 2011.

  1. Well, I guess this just shows that Islam isn't immune to stupid people.
  2. No, that pastor was so stupid....what do you think is going to happen when you burn someones life believing....Just shows any religion is not immune to stupid people.
  3. #4 dudedude4, Apr 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2011
    Except, no Jews would ever do this (literally kill innocent UN staff) over a torah being burned, or Christians over a bible (which happens all the time)....... so yeah i dunno about that one man
  4. I didn't say that any other religion was immune to stupid people.

    Somewhere in the world, there's somebody who disagrees with you, hates you, and will burn your book. You just have to roll with the punches.

    Number one rule of life: People are stupid.
    Number two rule of life: People do stupid things.
  5. The pastor is stupid... but in america we have the right to stupid opinions and beliefs. For good or bad.

    Part of me just thinks its funny that people in afghanistan think it's wrong to burn a Quran all the way on the other side of the world, while in their own country they had no problem defacing and destroying centuries old Buddhist statues and religious artifacts
  6. I love how they keep blaming this guy who did nothing but exercise his rights. What other situation does the media/left blame the protester for violence committed by other people? If a bunch of Mexican burn US flags on live TV and after that a bunch of Mexicans get beat up, who is the media going to blame? The protesters? HIGHLY DOUBTFUL.
  7. Why don't we just place all these butt hurt fools into an arena and let them kill each other, because eventually that's what it's going to come down to.

    If 'stupid people' can't tolerate equally 'stupid people', neither deserve any sympathy.

  8. As if there is some equivalence between burning some paper and beheading people in the streets. I'm REALLY losing faith in this country and the world.

  9. There is; they're both pointless acts of expression.

    What is it with people that want to hold competitions on which culture is the worst of it's kind based on the most recent acts of violence?

    That shit is irrelevant, man.
  10. Glad I am not In A Stan this month!

  11. that what the rines call afghanistan? :D

  12. Ok, I'm just going to go shoot myself now.
  13. They're doing exactly what that pastor had hoped for probably.

    They're only proving his point, if they acted cool about it he would've looked like more of a dick.
  14. Whats a Rine? Ha??
  15. Why don't you all just convert to Islam now and get it over with?
  16. The guy who burned the Koran in Florida, Terry Jones, is now suggesting that he's going to hold a mock trial of Mohammed.

  17. That's how religion is often spread, "If you can't beat them, join 'em.".

  18. Naaaaa.... beat them till they convert.
  19. Stupidity on both sides of the fence here...

    "Hey there's some people halfway around the world who I think would be really pissed off if I burned this book. They are known for killing people. Being the peace loving clergyman that I am, I'M GONNA BURN THAT SHIT AND ENTICE THEM TO MURDER. I LOVE MY NEIGHBORS. PEACE FOR EVERYONE."

    "Hey did you hear about that ass wipe halfway across the world that burned a book ! LET'S GO KILL A SHIT LOAD OF INNOCENT PEOPLE"

    So. Fucking. Stupid. When I heard about this I was frozen in facepalm for 2 hours.

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