EU to ban cars from cities by 2050

Discussion in 'Politics' started by maxrule, Mar 29, 2011.

  1. I'll just leave this here.....

    Don't worry; this won't effect you in any way. :rolleyes:
  2. #2 Visionary, Mar 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2011
    Only in Europe. Wtf are they trying to do? Go back to the days of horses and carriages in the streets? No way this goes down. Go to electric cars they say? Where are you gonna get all the power from? Apparently nuclear is evil now and wind/solar alone won't cut it. Also where would they get all of those lithium Ion batteries?

  3. Its not only in Europe; wacko environmentalism is a global problem now.

    I'm afraid that a horse and buggy is not sustainable.

    One must cut down a tree to make a buggy and horses fart. :rolleyes:

  4. #4 Visionary, Mar 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2011
    I know lol. Here in America we've got Obama's 60mpg fleet average by 2025 that would completely kill the auto industry. But hey, who needs jobs anyway?
  5. A ban seems more than a little silly, but imagine if public transportation was so good in urban centers that cars weren't necessary? Urban planners should get on that...

  6. Not the point really.....

  7. That's probably the entire point.
  8. Its like progressives get angry when you don't take them serious about global warming. So they get mad and say " let's take their fuckng car and see if they take us serious then" .

  9. Isn't that the gov wanted? A complete control on the grid so they get to decide what to stop, who goes in, out, etc.

    Now that is a scary world to live in. No thanks, I don't like public transportation.

  10. Reading is FUN-DAMENTAL

    They're not "banning cars", they want to ease carbon emissions so they aim to ban petrol and diesel fueled cars


    If we still need to burn fossil fuels for energy in forty years this grand experiment called the Human Experience has been a complete and utter failure.

    For those who aren't typically fans of science, you can read up on it here.
  11. :rolleyes:

    Japan's public transportation system is, I believe, typically 2 - 5 seconds late with their arrival and departure times.

    I believe in New York it's something like 10 minutes.

  12. yeah, the global warming truthers scare me as much as the obama birthers and the 9/11 people..

    they should all be locked up.
  13. It's totally comparable!

    Unless you've taken a chemistry class or know what a birth certificate looks like.
  14. I think another problem is how the global warming nut can't debate the topic with out getting angry. WHY DON'T YOU BELEIEVE ME????????
  15. I'm usually early when I use my transportation system. Take that Japan.

  16. I think the main problem is that people can't comprehend the ecosystem.

    The only real argument against man-made global warming is that climate naturally changes over time. A graph displaying hundreds of millions of years of climate change is usually displayed to supplement this argument.

    However I think people typically fail to realize that within the past 4 billion years people have only been around for about half a million, and we've only been engaged in industrialized civilizations for about 200 years. The argument is self-defeating.

    The more appropriate question isn't 'why won't you believe me?!?!', it's 'what's so hard to believe?'
  17. People can affect an ecosystem. I don't think I've seen anyone on this website dispute this.

    The only reasonable way to punish polluters is through the enforcement of private property rights. Regulation just incentivizes lobbying and regulatory capture.
  18. I am so sick of ignorant mouth breathing imbeciles coming into threads like these and trolling, or worse, actually THINKING they know what the hell they're talking about.

    No one is attempting to send you four-loko swigging, backwoods driving hillbillies into the dark ages, if you honestly believe that you've missed the entire point. In urban metropolitan regions, communal transport is entirely faster, safer, and all around more effective than personalized automobiles.

    I'm sorry, but just from an observational standpoint, it seems that the only people complaining about these measures that might one day save your childrens, your grandchildrens and quite possibly your own life are gun-toting, stuck in their ways Americans that have no idea what it means to sacrifice privilege and luxury for the betterment of society. There is no justification for your outright selfishness.

    How many of you have actually rode a bike to work in your lifetime?
  19. Biking was the fastest way to my last job. If I walked really fast (I have long legs and can average about 4-4.5 mph) it was sometimes faster (assuming it was nice weather outside) to walk than to take the public transportation in Boston. Furthermore, biking, in general, is the fastest way around a city like Boston.

  20. And here's the other thing. It's not 'punishment' if it's change intended to benefit every living thing on the planet.

    The planet's climate > the political or socio-economic climate.

    It's not 'punish the people who emit carbon' it's 'change the fucking fuel source so our species and the species we rely on can survive.'

    The bees are disappearing, what's so hard to understand? We're all fucked if we don't change.

    You guys may not dispute we have an effect on our ecosystem but you dispute collectivism, and we collectively decide whether we live or die as a whole.

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