Why isn't the MSM blaming the Democrats for inciting violence?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Dronetek, Mar 27, 2010.

  1. The story the MSM reported all weekend and through this week has been charges of racial slurs towards Democrat senators and bricks through windows. None of which have any evidence to back up charges that they happened at all. That did not stop the MSM from continuing the scare monger about it ad claim its due to the inciting of violence by Republicans.

    Show me examples of the MSM doing this to democrats. You wont be able to.

    Lib Talker Malloy Calls for Deaths of Limbaugh, Beck and O'Reilly

    Time's Alex Altman: Republicans 'Implicitly Validate' Anger Spurring Violence Against Democrats

    NYT's Paul Krugman Hits G.O.P.'s 'Eliminationist Rhetoric' and Reagan the 'Anti-Government Fanatic'

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdf1TC178gI]YouTube - MSNBC Cynthia Tucker: 45-65% Of Townhall Protesters Are Racists[/ame]
    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ga5oUaiY7XE]YouTube - Are You, Or Have You Ever Been, A Member Of The Tea Party Coalition?[/ame]
    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKBb6AHsokM]YouTube - MSNBC's Schultz: I Never Saw A Dem With A Bush = Hitler Sign[/ame]
    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXfS0-D65VY]YouTube - Matthews, Walsh Unsubtly Accuse Obama Opponents Of Racism[/ame]
    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoddiHNuxlw]YouTube - MSNBC Hosts: Rep. Joe Wilson A White Southern Racist[/ame]
    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-FibfbftQE]YouTube - CBSs Greenfield: Is Right-Wing Militancy A Dilemma for GOP?[/ame]
    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpeD9Ef6uhE]YouTube - MSNBC: Matthews Warns Talk Radio 'Gonna Pay' If Any Anti-Obama Violence[/ame]

    I could go on and on like this.

    Once again, my questions isn't about the little bit of coverage the media has given threats against Republicans, its the non-stop narrative that the Republicans/Talk Radio/Fox is inciting violence. Why aren't they asking those questions of themselves and the Democrats? The answer is obvious.

  2. It's appaling to me, being called a racist because I don't like your ObamaCare. I want to make an auto-immune virus that attacks only MSM and liberals/socialists.

    I loved the first clip... tie them down, inject 'em with truth serum, and let's find out how many racists are in the room!

    About as low brow as a Shakepearian peanut gallery; I really hope all the liberals get what they deserve next election. Quit ruining this country.
  3. Ummmmmm.....I'm pretty sure they are.
  4. The MSM is doing nightly stories about Democrats/Media inciting hatred and racial violence against Republicans? When? Show me ONE report.
  5. #5 Raoul Duke II, Mar 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2010

    Have you not been watching or listening to "Republicans/Talk Radio/FOX?" All they've been talking about is how much all this violence is just "liberals." Have you not read your own posts? When they're the other HALF of the official political spectrum, they're as mainstream as it gets. Are you trying to tell me your "conservative" media doesn't blow the "liberal" media out of the water in every proportion? That's a fact they're pretty proud of themselves.

  6. Dronetek likes to use clips from Glenn Beck and Fox News as proof that people are brainwashed by the "MSM". I had to put that shit on ignore, it's so retarded.
  7. None of this comes from either. Yet another pathetic straw man in place of evidence or arguments.
  8. #8 Raoul Duke II, Mar 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2010
    What about my argument? I presume you don't need the evidence since you're listening to the same bullshit about this as I am on the "conservative" media. It actually sounds a lot like the bullshit those dumbasses over at CNN and MSNBC are spewing but with different name inserts. All this "racist" and "violence" bullshit is are both sides overtly playing their opponents assumed view of them to perpetuate the cycle of viewing those who support the other side as not knowing a sack of shit from a pile of gold.

  9. The man is apparently scum, reading about his stupid rep. antics with this health care bill. He flip-flops on his abortion policy and people aren't pissed?

    The only thing that CBS video proved is that there were no real threats (Not once did I hear of an attempt to harm him or his family) and most of it was bleeped.
  10. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InQa0rvXwGM]YouTube - Death Threat[/ame]

    Indeed. My point is that its a one way, hypocritical street with the MSM. They fear monger all day long about alleged incitement of hatred from the Republicans, while the DNC and media get away with doing exactly what they accuse Obama's critics of.
  11. This.
  12. Not a single link or video clip I posted was from either of those sources. You guys would be utterly lost without your red herrings.
  13. I would imagine thats because no one watches them unless they already agree dude, your posts are sort of information overload.

    Post one clip and pretty much everyone will watch it, post 19 at once and no one does;)

    I do have to say though drone that i can now recognise the leftwing from rightwing media because of your frequent postings:D
  14. Yeah I know, but I'm trying to make the argument undeniable. Which reduces the deniers to insults and red herrings.
  15. I'm a socialist. What the fuck are you going to do about it? Do you want to kill me? Hurt me? You are seriously the most bigoted, narrow-minded cretin GC has to offer. Only in America can someone immediately wish death upon someone just for their political or moral views. And not only can they say it, they are often encouraged to spew this illogical filth. That's not the America I know. I heard that Cuba, China, and parts of Africa allow this intolerance; why don't you haul ass there? You aren't welcome in America. It's not what you believe, it's how you present it and your encitement to violence.

    Am I supposed to understand that no one is allowed to change their opinions on an issue, regardless of new knowledge gained? This just seems closed-minded to me. Every good human being may change his mind on topics where he learns new facts, especially when those facts disagree with him; I don't see why politicians have to be exempt from this.

  16. Except no one insulted you. And no one threw out any red herrings.

    Good try though.:wave:
  17. #18 Phantasmagoria., Mar 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 28, 2010
    The deniers! And the witches! Blasphemers and Warlocks I tell ye! It's only my president if I voted for him! I'm the only one that voted!

  18. Nice.

  19. Voting is irrelevant, your laws are being broken too.

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