The reality of economic crisis

Discussion in 'Politics' started by FoodLion, Dec 23, 2009.

  1. This could be one of the greatest and most insightful things I've ever read. I can truly say, quoted for truth.

    The Reality of the Economic Crisis « Danny Mendlow's Blog

  2. #2 MitchC9, Dec 23, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2009
    Perfect post. Sums up my feelings towards society completely. The problem is the people and their ignorance of the situations they are forcibly put in; viewing it as an accepted reality.

    Worst example would be soldiers. So many of them come back from fighting in the war for years, only to end up poverty stricken or homeless. The government does nothing to compensate them. And people walk by without expressing any anger towards that situation. Like as if putting your life and your future at risk to fight for your country should land you homeless when you return. Blame the people.
  3. Good article, too bad this thread will now be full of conspiracy theorist crap
  4. Let's just start a revolution. :smoke:
  5. Cute blog, but didn't address the "reality" of the crisis beyond the fact that we should do something different about it... kind of like he's never actually thought it through.

    He doesn't even know what "the system" is if he calls it a "freewheeling" market. And he didn't mention the Federal Reserve once.

    Plus, he used the lesser of two Einstein quotes to convey the same message:

    "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

    We do need to do something different, how about trying that "freewheeling" market in our lifetime? :rolleyes:
  6. Whoever wrote that is an idiot. We never had a "free wheeling" market. We haven't had a "free wheeling" market in 100 years. What we've had is corporatism. Corporatism is not a free market. It is neo-mercantilism. Perhaps if we tried that "free wheeling" market we might solve some of our problems.
  7. Every country that has tried a "free wheeling" market has found itself cluttered with corporatism within a few decades. We even had it at a point, but an artificial market collapse scared everyone into buying into the idea of a Federal Reserve and things took off from there. What would stop this kind of crap from happening again?

  8. Corporatism cannot exist without the state, so obviously these "free wheeling" markets became centrally planned.

    So you know the panic of 1907 was staged by the very international bankers that would form the board of the Federal Reserve? Hmm...

    What would stop what crap? The scapegoating of capitalism, or the formation of corporatism?

    To stop blaming capitalism for the shortcomings of our socialist/keynesian economic model would require education, which is near impossible considering the Federal government already has a monopoly on our children's minds.

    To stop corporatism we simply need to take away their ally, and checkbook, the Federal Reserve.
  9. #9 MitchC9, Dec 23, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2009
    I agree with you, a capitalist society can be very successful provided government involvement and corporatism are minimal. I just don't think it's ever going to be like that. The masses will always be manipulated into bringing in more government control during an economic crisis, occurring naturally or artificially. Catastrophic financial events tend to be used to promote changes (such as the creation of a central banking figure; The Federal Reserve) that result in corporatism. It's very hard to convince poor people who just lost everything to not accept care and nurture from their friend the government. In fact, it's usually in their best interest at the time, and most people aren't thinking 30 years ahead.

    That is what I meant by "this crap" :p

    You'd have to do more than just educate the masses, it'd be a mass convincing. Many are not ill-informed; they have heard this side of the argument. They are just indoctrined to believe it's non-sense and that certain State involvements are necessary.

  10. The closest thing to the free market in the US is the black market. I will vouch for the black market. It works just fine and has for decades.

    Capitalism remains the only real means for wealth creation.

  11. that's nice
  12. #12 MitchC9, Dec 23, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2009
    Very true. But, as my first post says, "The problem is the people and their ignorance of the situations they are forcibly put in; viewing it as an accepted reality."

    Much like the OP, I don't have a solution for you, all I know is time and time again people of power have used capitalism + the ignorance of the masses to fuel corporatism. Reverting back to capitalistic ways eventually fuels more corporatism, although capitalism itself isn't to blame for that. I differ from the OP in that I believe capitalism works in an ideal world, much like socialism works in an even more ideal world (much much more), but I do not believe it will in this one. Read my post above for a more detailed explanation.

    EDIT: And fuck the housing market.

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