Senate finally ends debate on Obama's first nominee to the federal bench

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Dickie4:20, Nov 18, 2009.

  1. Today the Senate voted 70-29 to end debate on Obama's first nominee to the federal bench.
    U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Votes > Roll Call Vote

    The vote beat a failed fillibuster attempt by the fine Senator from Alabama, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III.
    Sessions to Filibuster Obama’s 7th Circuit Nominee - Swampland -

    The vote cleared Judge David Hamiltons path to becoming a judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the seventh circuit.
    Controversial court nominee survives Senate test | Top AP Stories | - Houston Chronicle

    Sessions seems to get his talking points from loonies like Beck, the pig man oxy moron, Ann Coutler, etc.

    He did embrace the lies that Hamilton gave Muslims preferential treament over Christians.
    Ian Millhiser: Inhofe: Obama's Judicial Nominee is a Secret Muslim

    Session also thought he should serve on the Federal bench because he spent one month working for ACORN in 1979.
    RedState and Jeff Sessions Team Up for a Filibuster « The Washington Independent

    Now that Senator Sessions has failed miserably at his fillibuster attempt maybe Harry Reid will grow some fuckin balls and move foward with dozens of other nominees.

  2. kind of a dumb topic dickie

    but how long have they been "debating" (i use that term lightly) this nominee anyway?
  3. Since the start of the Obama admin.

    How is this a dumb topic?:confused:

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